UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

It’s not as if there aren’t any examples of societies with draconian legal systems in the world. Would you rather live in Saudi Arabia, North Korea or Scandinavia?


I’m still smoking ,and yes it did coincide with unemployment , and employment prospects under any government I’ve lived under are always the same , they talk the talk but a lot of their initiatives are just bullshit, they just come up with jingoisms to grab a headline either about how tough they are going to be on the unemployed “leeches” and make them get to work, or they come up with stupid schemes that promise to give placements etc and then as soon as it ends you get dropped from the employer because the government subsidies stop.

The job I’m doing now, I see a lot of journal messages stating the latter point quite often, and it really hasn’t changed from the old days of the YTS crap …same shit different day, sadly you have to try and make the breaks for yourself when options come along because every political party say the same things and very little actually happens

Got to love an unplanned intervention, especially when that person is 4’ tall

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Likewise need to only look abroad to see the impact of the energy crisis in other nations. The state of other health systems, the state of the economy the amount of inequality and crime.

The UK has been run into the ground. A decade of austerity/underfunding/ideological cuts have left the UK hollowed out with little ability to deal with any crisis. It then has been hit by Brexit/Covid and Ukraine.

Sure shit happens, it’s happened to nations all around the world. It just so happens in many metrics the UK has been going backwards fast. It’s performance has been among the worst in the world.

For that the government must shoulder the blame.


Yep. The UK seems to be massively sensitive to any ripple in the worlds economy, health or whatever.

Broken state.

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I smoked for 30 yrs before giving it up 5 yrs ago.I found the habit harder to break than the addiction.All in the head.


But it’s not- I repeat not- the fault of the party that has been in government for the past twelve years.

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Yeah I need to try an stop, but I find it does help with anxiety and calms me :joy:

Can’t be a story in the Telegraph because we all know they’re only pro-tory.

Try reading it. :wink:

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Did you feel any despair or a feeling that the deck was so stacked against you that you had no hope of breaking out of your situation?

As for the political side of things, you just have the rest of the voting populace to blame, really. That’s where their priorities lie.

Have you ever thought about insurance?

Pretty much and in many ways still do now, but I still won’t Rob or burgle someone’s house .

Many of them yes.

I get by by sniffing smokers as they come back into the pub😞

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That’s good on you, but many won’t have had the same positive influences in life as you had, to develop the morality that you have.

And how do you determine what positive influences I have had in my life compared to others?

Genuinely interested as you know not their life nor mine to draw such a conclusion

Is the UK seriously going to fix Ukraines potholes before our own?

I think if you are desperate enough there sre some things you will resort to that you really wouldn’t want to and wouldn’t if things were better for you

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