UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Yup smoking and I’ve been unemployed where I had no money, I didn’t go out and Rob people though or burgle someone’s house to fund my nicotine addiction

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How bad was your addiction if you don’t mind me asking?

Also, did the addiction coincide with your unemployment, and how did you feel about your future prospects at that point?

Regarding the relationship between good state policy favouring general prosperity / equality and crime rate, here is a link to an interesting study about the evolution of criminality in the four Nordic states between 1950 and 2010.

Especially instructive for those who believe that there is no relationship at all between these two factors.


No mate, I just think that somebody who’s moral compass is so out of line that they steal from others needs a little more than meetings. A very dangerous chair would be more apt in my book.

Godwin’s law, I claim my £5.

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Rather than vague terms here, let’s be specific.

Somebody steals from you or I, I want them shouted at, a lot. Somebody organises a raid on your business or mine, I want them doing hard labour for years. What exactly in this do you disagree with please?

Callous? Me? Probably based on being fucking robbed.

Bang, this right here. Odin stands up and explains why humanity isn’t all as bad as @cynicaloldgit would have us believe.

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I take that as a compliment.

Point is that most crime is preventable. I’ve been burgled. It was shit. The police caught the culprits and banged them up but it didn’t really do anything for me because I no longer felt safe at home. It’s actually far better if you can prevent that happening in the first place.


Yes, the deterrent is proper punishment for crimes. not sitting round in a circle discussing one’s feelings :rage:

I commented directly to what you actually wrote. It’s pathetic then to mention Goodwin’s law. You should rather clarify if serious or not.

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One big problem with our current government is the utter lack of action in tackling the cost of living crisis. That tells me everything I need to know about them.

They were warned, have been informed and still did nothing. Therefore it’s logical to assume that they are more happy to see energy companies rake in profits over looking after the people they govern.

Someone earlier mentioned people getting a living wage. What they didn’t mention is the increase in profits made by the private sector over the last 12 years (I guess). So what is driving that? Inflation has been steady over that time so that leaves you with increased efficiency and /or lower costs. I know which one my money is on.


I disagree with the severity of the punishment and the abject lack of rehabilitation. Your method is not only inhumane, it is 100 percent ineffective at rehabilitation.

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Are you saying zombies are regular reoffenders?

You’re strawmanning me here. I’m not talking about getting the guitars out and having a sing song.

I’m just talking about basic empathy to understand that the person who burgles you might be is a fucking desperate situation.

I don’t think prison works particular well. I only support prison sentences for people who are a serious danger to the public. They don’t call it the university of crime for nothing. I’m in favour of whatever course of action leads to not reoffending - that is very rarely prison.

Finally, there is an absolute world of difference between an organised, planned team raid on a business, and someone breaking into a house for drug money.

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Shoot all criminals. Sorted.

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I think making generalisations about burglars is silly. Not all of them extract joy from breaking into people’s homes and emotionally traumatising the owners, just as not all of them are in a desperate situation and can/should be empathised with.

BTW, how are you all coping admins? Most of the threads in here are on fire. Tbf, not as uncivilized as I expected it would be this week after 2 draws and a loss to fucking previously-bottom-of-the-table United to start the season.

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They’re all charlied-up. :joy:


No mate, you brought up the Nazi party, Godwin’s law applies.

How does one rehabilitate a serial burglar, rapist, murderer?

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