UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

What isn’t the point? That the majority of benefit claimants are in work? Of course it’s the point.

The employment figures look reasonably healthy, and Christ the Tories are desperate to make us all believe that. But take a closer look at how many people are in insecure zero hours employment. Look at how many people, despite being in work, still need the state to help them cover the basics.

So sorry, but employment figures like this are pretty meaningless. People should be working, and people want to work. People don’t want to be reliant on benefits. But here we are - you and I, and other taxpayers - essentially subsidising big employers to pay a wage less than it’s possible to live on. That’s a failure of Tory policy.

The Tories always massage the employment figures. In the eighties and nineties, they pushed thousands onto long term incapacity and sick to get them off the unemployment lists.

What crisis aren’t the Government responsible for? We’ve been battered by Covid and we’re about to be slapped by the energy crisis. Neither are the governments fault*, but that have or will be made much worse than they needed to be by this inept Government.

*I say ‘not the governments fault’ but anyone with half a brain should have been able to see that tethering your national energy strategy to gas imports was going to end in tears - Labour didn’t do enough about in office either.


Yeah this was mindblowing stupidity, especially from the Conservatives in the last decade who could have encouraged and subsidised local production of renewable energy generators (e.g. solar panels, windmills), and have been raking it in from selling to Europe while having energy independence…


Thanks for the half a brain insult, noted. In other news, people (some) want a push to greener methods of power. As we’re all using elec devices to access an electrical online server on the internet which requires electricity, none of us are innocent in devouring the planet’s resources. Also true to say that 100% renewable and green energy is NEVER going to happen till we crack fusion. So we moved to gas. Putin went ape shit and now we’re fucked. And I mean fucked as I foresee million in serious shit come February when the true cost of fuel comes home to roost.

As an environmental campaigner (pretty sure you are but please let me know if incorrect) which fuel source would you have gone for?

If you are a victim of crime then the obvious reflex is to be angry and want revenge. But would you swap places?

The person who burgled my house broke in through a window and took a few bit and pieces they could sell easily. They were probably in a desperate situation with all kinds of problems that I couldn’t even dream of.

So yes, I have far more empathy than I have anger and desire for revenge.

I have to say though. You’re talking about capital punishment for burglary. That’s quite a rabid extreme position to take. I don’t think the Tory party is right wing enough for you if that is seriously your stance.


Nope, until we crack storage. From my understanding of fusion it would be fine for baseload but can’t be switched on and off at short notice. There’s some interesting stuff going on in Germany regarding hydrogen production. That does have the potential to be a game changer.


I think there’s some innovations for utility-scale storage that don’t rely on anything more than common materials? I remember reading something about sodium batteries too.


Is that possibly the Aluminium-ion batties? I did read an article about it a while back.

I was thinking more about this which is in the pilot stage at the moment:

It’s early days but there are a lot of heavyweight backers behind it.

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Renewables. And before you say it isn’t possible, you surely go as far as you possibly can with renewables before you even contemplate burning fossil fuels.

I have seen plenty of analysis that suggests that a combination of massive roll out of renewables combined with an energy efficiency drive and reduction in usage will get us to where we need to be. (Sorry mate, but that Hot Tub has to go)

But even if you don’t believe that, the issue is that we are hugely reliant on gas and we don’t need to be. We could do lots more on renewables and we haven’t even scratched the surface of what renewables could provide.

The Tories are not just slow off the mark, they are actively hostile to renewables, which isn’t surprising considering their sources of funding.

We used to have a decent feed in tariff which was driving the domestic photo-voltaics industry. It was just at the point of tipping over into sustainability, but Cameron’s government - under pressure from the fossil fuel lobby - scrapped in. Totally kneecapped that industry.

Oh and the wholesale cost of gas was skyrocketing before Putin invaded Ukraine. He a convenient bogeyman the to Tories to push the blame on, but we were already heading towards a crisis before Vlad went nuts.

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I’m amazed / shocked that we haven’t put more resources into tidal generation as well. Normal short sighted viewpoint in not looking at the bigger picture and investing for the next decades rather than worrying about immediate returns.


Yes in a heartbeat and I wouldn’t steal of somebody else. Think I’m losing the plot here. Theft is wrong, end of.

Absolutely. Snipers.

There is loads we could do but don’t. Every roof in the country without solar panels is a waste. All that sunshine just going nowhere. And we still think it’s a good idea to burn the sunshine that fell on the planet millions of years ago.

The answer is always ‘renewables won’t ever meet 100% of demand’ but even if that’s true, what’s wrong with trying to meet 90% of demand? Or 80%. Or (deep breath) how about about reaching the obvious conclusion that our demand is the problem, and do something about that?


Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Bounce

You’d swap place with a burglar? You think they’ve got it better than you?

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I think the problem might be when most people think of a burglar they think of someone who is fucked up, desperate, probably addicted to drugs or struggling in some way.

Whereas @Klopptimist thinks of this

Most people I know who have been done for burglary are not in desperate situations at all, other than doing it for money to support drug/gambling addictions , most do it just because they have a lack of respect for other people property and possessions and basically just scum at heart , they laugh at the police as they are just a bunch of wankers who want the salary but not actually do what is expected of them when it comes to crime .

To many excuses being made here as though everyone on benefits are scroungers / they are not, but then those who are and have no intention of looking for jobs and do all the shit like drugs and burglary have no heart breaking story other than being jealous of peoples stuff .


Have you ever had any addictions?

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There may actually be something in that if my parole officer friend is right. It’s down to a lack of empathy or (in the case of drug addicts) the strength of the addiction is stronger than the empathy for the person affected by their actions. I think there have been a few papers written on that. What you have to remember is the difference between burglary and robbery. Robbery is a crime against the person whereas burglary is theft from a property. When a person is involved, it is easier to empathise.

When there is no individual obviously affected (for example a cash machine that has given out too much money) then the threshold for what is deemed permissible is much lower. I think this is the angle that speed awareness courses take - showing the prospective consequences of excess speed.


Surely you are not serious ? Because if you are, not even Nazi law would be hard enough on crime for you. Never read anything so callous on a forum before. And below you even reinforce it claiming you were serious. You are dangerously down the path of Social Darwinism.


I don’t think he’s being entirely serious, mate.


Hope not.