UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I don’t know what the population voted for and I don’t try to claim that I do. I know what I voted for, love a bent banana me.

Rich people are currently paying for poor people to stay in a poverty trap. The effects of that ripple right through the economy. Of course some will realise that there are alternatives to neo-surfdom. Just don’t come crying when the crime rate goes through the roof and you are on the receiving end.


It is and I am. Scum trying to steal from a family business. And that’s not their fault? Please tell me you don’t believe that.

When you put yourselves in their shoes, maybe you’ll understand.

But you seem completely incapable of empathy whatsoever.

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Bullshit. My gran had nothing, she never resorted to stealing. I have no time, no compassion, no empathy and no sympathy whatsoever for the cunts who nearly destroyed my business.

Spoken exactly like someone who has no empathy.

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Ever been burgled? Did you have empathy?

Yes, and no, I felt quite indifferently about them.

I did feel rage towards the complete indifference by the police, as well as the system that lets this happen.

Did you fix your house or put up a sign saying “come help yourselves smackheads, I’ve worked all my life but I’m giving it all away as it’s not your fault”?

I suspect it’s pure economics. The actual and potential costs of the “scum” stealing from you (whether that is the time spent or the potential consequences in term of arrest and conviction) are outweighed by the benefit of whatever they make off with.

To alter that equation you have to increase the costs. That could be improving detection and conviction rates (which costs money directly to you) or changing the circumstances of the offender such that the costs of conviction for them are much higher. If they have a decently paid job and are comfortably off (housed, fed etc) then the cost of giving that up and struggling to regain it are huge.

I have a friend who is a parole officer and he can pretty much spot who will reoffend. Sex offenders and burglars will typically reoffend quickly if they haven’t received intensive treatment in prison. Those who have some sort of stable environment in terms of housing, family and so on do better. He deals with Timpsons (the key-cutting / shoe repair place) quite a bit and the reoffending rate of people placed there is minimal. They receive training and the pay and opportunities for them are good. As he points out - if many of these people had these interventions to begin with they would likely never have offended in the first place.


Pretty much replied to him better than I could.

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How to pick out a full-blooded Tory in a single sentence! Gosh how many times have I heard this over the last 6 months…

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Never ever voted Tory or labour so unlucky, I vote for small insignificant parties as they tend to have more core beliefs that I share and don’t tend to sell out once in office as they rarely get elected

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This just isn’t true. All our great grandparents were much poorer than we are now, did they resort to lives of crime? This idea that society and government cause social problems is in flagrant disregard of the concept of personal responsibility. You are responsible for your actions.


Yes and yes from me.Maybe in my case it comes down to how much they took but i can completely understand why some might resort to stealing ,especially if it’s to help feed their family .

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Some of them did but you have to remember that those that did would often be far less likely to have surviving offspring due to being in prison, less attractive to potential spouses and so on. You can’t base how things used to be on a survival bias.

Also, I wasn’t suggesting that society and government cause social problems. The problems will occur as a result of the economic equilibrium. Government intervention is supposed to shift that equilibrium to a more desirable outcome - unless, of course, one has a purely libertarian perspective in which case the whatever the free-market produces is regarded as a desirable outcome.

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Yes I have, and yes I did.


Then you’re a raging lefty and I’m a raging righty. I want pain, torment, incarceration and hopefully a rope. Would you prefer a meeting, patience, education, forgiveness and support? That’s the key difference between the right and the left here folks. We want the stick, the left wants the carrot.

In the carrot and stick analogy you are meant to have both. I think it originates from a comparison between Roosevelt and Stalin. Under the US system the carrot is the reward for hard work and the stick is losing one’s job. Under the Soviet system the carrot is a guaranteed job whereas the stick is the gulag.

Sounds like you should read the Breaking News Thread :grin: