UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Just to ask you say if labour was in power it would be a different system, can you explain how you come to that conclusion? I mean Blair left and Gordon was straight in as leader with no contest basically.

It’s one thing to scream the Tories down, and try an make out labour is a beacon of shining hope and moral honesty, but seriously they are just as selfish and morally bankrupt as the Tories when it comes to looking out for themselves.

Ok, can you answer this one… how has this government improved anyone’s lives?
(apart from the already super wealthy)

Ignoring COVID (and fuck me there’s a shit load of shops that didn’t survive)


Labour were in 1997 till 2010. tictok……

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Gees you need to stop being so angry.

If Brown got voted in without a contest / vote then it proves my statement that Labour have a different system for choosing their party leader. That’s all I’ve been saying.

My perspective on Labour is I’d rather have them than the Tories but it ends there. I do not hold them to a shining light. How can you when they haven’t said what their policies are? I despise this Tory government with a passion. I don’t vote for either of them and nor will I at the general election.

I’m also not oblivious to the problems and performance the Labour lead Welsh Government has in Wales but I’m also not stupid enough not to understand that any non Tory Welsh government is operating with its hands tied behind its back.

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Not really, and it’s not even close.


Hmm. What could have happened around 2008 that caused a sudden rise in unemployment? It’s a puzzler.

Also employment figures mean absolutely fuck all when people are still in need of benefits to survive despite working full time, and so much of the employment the Tories shout about is low paid, gig economy, extremely volatile work.


Ironically, that’s what they want. They want to destroy the BBC and any other media source that doesn’t parrot their line.

Your witholding the TV licence fee is only furthering their aims, when you should be directing your ire at the twats doing this.

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That’s not the point and you know it. More people working is always good for the country as a whole. This government is not responsible for the current financial crisis. As I posted last year, the cost price of our raw materials rose 40% purely due to shipping from China. Blame that on the fat idiot if you want but you’d be wrong.


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Completely disagree with that.

But for what it’s worth, I don’t like the system that enables a new party leader to continue in power as though nothing happened. I prefer very much that a general election should be held as soon as practically possible after the change of the leader of the ruling party.


Move to America :wink:

Are those on zero-hour contracts counted as unemployed too even if they don’t actually receive any hours?

What about those that are underemployed?

You say that the unemployment rate going down is always good for the country, but I completely disagree. If the benefits of the population being close to full employment accrue to the rich, while the poor are struggling to get by, I don’t think that’s beneficial to the country.

No, not responsible, except for the mindblowing stupidity of the shooting ourselves in the foot part.

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I’m not about to import all this into excel and do the maths on average increase / decrease under different governments but on the whole, labour spent a little more (statistically speaking) on the NHS than the Conservatives but there’s not a huge amount in it:

You’re not seriously pointing to the NHS as something the Tories have done to improve peoples lives, as it falls apart all around us?

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No, far better for the rich to pay for people not to work.

Round and round we go.

No, I’m showing that the current mob have not been quite as deleterious as claimed.

That’s your interpretation of a referendum. The government only enabled the vote.

The problem is that’s escalated under the Tories.

The vast majority of people claiming benefits are in employment. People should earn a living wage. The zero hour, gig economy gives the illusion of a healthy economy with low unemployment figures.

The food banks, and huge number of wages being topped up say otherwise.


Yes. Far better.

Oh yes, because the population voted for a hard Brexit, did they?


The problem with that is you’d rarely get a party getting rid of their leader mid-term. I’m not sure the Tories would have voted out Boris if it lead directly to another GE. It’s not perfect but at least it can lead to a crap leader being changed mid term.

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