UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

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Probably just a well not to use comedy novels by an author renounce for his use of irony as a defence of the death penalty.

There are too many examples of innocent people’s lives ended to go back to the days of the rope. Throw in an institutionally racist police and judiciary, and it’s not going to end well.


Do you disagree with the sentiment?

And criticism of Sir Terry says way more about the criticiser. To use your verbiage.

100% of those random people who have no interest of running a business, will succeed.

without drive, success is null.

Here’s a Pratchett quote relevant to crime and punishment:

“I should have learned this, she thought. I wanted to learn fire, and pain, but I should have learned people.”

and a couple of others for good measure

“There was no safety. There was no pride. All there was, was money. Everything became money, and money became everything. Money treated us as if we were things, and we died.”

“Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things”

"Female? He told you he was female?”
“She,” Angua corrected. “This is Ank-Morpork, you know. We’ve got extra pronouns here.”
She could smell his bewilderment…
“Well, I would have though she’d have the decency to keep it to herself,” carrot said finally. “I don’t think it’s very clever, you know, to go around drawing attention to the fact.”
“Carrot, I think you might have something wrong with your head,” said Angua.
“I think you might have it stuck up your bum.


Yes, having read all of them several times I’ll quote the books if you wish? Or did you just google Pratchett quotes that suit your point? Come on, be honest here.

What? The sentiment that if you execute people they can’t reoffend. No, obviously not. The problem is that there is no recourse for the innocent, and that has happened way too often.

And I think Sir Terry would either be horrified or amused someone would use his writing to argue for the death penalty. I mean, for the love of god, is that really what you’ve gleaned from reading his books?

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" Godwin’s law itself can be applied mistakenly or abused as a distraction, diversion or even as censorship, when fallaciously miscasting an opponent’s argument as hyperbole when the comparison made by the argument is appropriate.[12] Godwin himself has also criticized the overapplication of the law, claiming that it does not articulate a fallacy, but rather is intended to reduce the frequency of inappropriate and hyperbolic comparisons."

You fall into place here, using it as a silly distraction when the very point I was making was that the penal code you seemed to prefer was harsher than the one in Nazi Germany. I had hoped that it should lead to you admitting you were exaggerating, not that you make absurd evasions doubling down.

This is not left versus right in the modern era, Social Darwinism is the philosophical rationalisation of the right of the powerful to do what they’d like and easily justifies extreme excesses of violence, exploitation of the weak, imperialism in various form and down the end of the path you find ethnic cleansing. It is the conservatism of 1870 (long discarded by modern conservative ideologues), later fine tuned into Fascism in the 1920’s, before perfected by Hitler-Germany. You should really know this I think.


Anyway, it doesn’t matter. No point in continuing this discussion.


A lot of traffic in here the last few days. Did I miss anything important??

Yeah, zombies reoffend apparently.

Only if they’re socialist ones.

Well that’s your copy and paste version of Godwin’s law. To others the more common is that in debate. eventually somebody is compared to Hitler. Nazi party is close enough for me although you’re flat wrong. Wanting thieves punished does not make one worse than the nazis and it’s laughable, derisible and downright insulting to suggest that it is. There are events in history that one really shouldn’t reference / equate to. Naziism is one of them.

Ah I missed that bit. I guess conservative zombies graft harder to make a better life for themselves, right?

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Mods: can we please have an online “swear jar” into which @Klopptimist has to deposit a tenner every time he mentions Godwin’s Law?



All I can say is just be thankful our form didn’t coincide with an international break.

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Only if we get one for every time someone calls him a nazi or a rabid right winger :laughing:

That’s going to solve the cost of living crisis right away…


great idea…

we could split the money raised and use it to pay our energy bills this winter! :wink: