UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

100% if Rees-Mogg is the puppeteer but sadly he hasn’t got the intelligence.

There is something quite different about her complection that doesn’t look healthy to me.

Pasty (pallid) pork pasty (cornish). :laughing:

sends a shiver down my spine…

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Funniest thing Charles could do now is die before his inauguration

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Look in the mirror :rofl:

Getting back on track:

Interesting to see the sorts of people who usually abhor ‘woke snowflakes’ on the left who wish to temper absolutist hate speech are the very same sort of people now crying about anything that isn’t suitably forelock tugging and deferential to the former monarch.

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Your new king!

As I said before, time to get talking about a republic.


You clear your own table at a restaurant then?

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Sad sod

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true detective insult GIF

Proving my point @PSG2020!

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Wow, what a witty and eloquent retort. Do you give lessons?

Maybe I should no comment on this but the reports of police shortage sound strange, worrying, embarrassing… from the outside.

Why did the Rangers CL had to be moved to Wednesday?

Why could it be a problem to do the Chelsea - Liverpool game on Sunday if the funeral is on Monday?

I am sure Berlin could do the Love Parade, two Bundesliga Games and some other stuff like demonstrations etc on the same weekend with no problems.


Police cuts?

Otherwise I have no idea.

There are several reasons, although I can’t be 100% on each one, so this would be a lot of guesswork.

The Rangers game I don’t know - that makes no sense as her body will be in London by then, so policing in Scotlad should be back to a sembilence of normality.

The Chelsea-Liverpool game, will be the day before one of the biggest state funerals the in the world. Baring a small number of countries (Russia, North Korea, Afganistan - Taliban rulers) almost every leader in the world will want/try to attend. With so many world leaders, security is going to be a fucking nightmare in London next weekend. And that is not including other dignitories as well that will attend.

Looking at the photos of Buckingham Palace and Windsor over the weekend, I think crowd control is going to be insane next weekend as people travel to London to line the streets on the Monday, but with an 11am start many will likely turn up Friday or Saturday and camp out to get a good spot.

3rdly, as @Noo_Noo has pointed out, over the last 12 years under tory rule, the number of police has been cut dramatically and despite what Priti Useless and BoJo will tell you about how many extra police they have brought in, those numbers aren’t as many as the number that got cut, so we are still less actual police than when the torries took over


I’m assuming that there will be a large number of Police present in Edinburgh. Police Scotland isn’t limitless. When the G8 was held in Scotland a few years ago there were reinforcements sent from England (which the local people nicknamed “The Woodentops” due to their helmets.)

It’s the Chelsea vs Liverpool game that I would have thought was the most pressing issue as London will be full of world leaders. That will stretch even the Met.


The concept that a non-elected party (royalty in this case or otherwise) can hold sway over a larger population is scary and it doesn’t sit well with me at all.

Ultimately the concept of royalty in the UK represents a system that has been rejected. The Queen for all her endurance, fealty to “the cause” and mostly selfless service, represented a highly contrasting, possibly antithetical, counterpoint to current society.

It’s marginal though. The difference last year was 172,000 to 160,000 and the projection was to have recruited a further 10,000 to 13,000 since then.

The main issue is the sheer scale of policing needed for a relatively short period. All police leave has been cancelled.


In what unacceptable way does the UK monarchy "hold sway over the population "?