UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Can’t they use Army (or National Guards, if they have something like that) for such emergencies? I have seen some European countries and USA deploying Army during natural disasters.

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Others might know the legal aspects better than me, but from my understanding it is extremely hard for the government to have the UK military on active duty on british soil.

I rmember 1 time they did, after one of the London terrorist attacks, where they used militery to provide security at certain government sites (Parlament, outside Home Office, outside MI6) whilst the police where focused on investigating the attack but they were only on the streets for about 3-4 days from memory.

Looking at the stats in the Guardian article on Republicanism, it said that 62% of the population were in favour of the monarchy, and 22% would abolish it.

In any political vote, or popular vote, that would be an overwhelming landslide.

Also, I don’t know what has gone on as I missed all the fun, but I saw a comment about conspiracy theories and that some posts were moved to this thread. Now I want to go back and see what I missed!

Couldn’t find anything. Story of my life. Always seem to miss the hootenany.

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The nobility has fundamentally unfair perks, automatically holding sway over others, in a way that they truly don’t deserve. I would keep the monarchy though. But having empowered nobles is an awful relic in a way the monarchy isn’t (in my opinon). The monarchy is constitutional and can be a unifying force, the nobility not so. The landed gentry are cancer (not the people, some of them are probably great people, but the institution).

just my opinion.


Looking at the population of each of the 4 countries that make up the uk,that 62% could mean that nobody in NI, nobody in Scotland and nobody in Wales were in favour of the monarchy,and only 75% of the population of England were in support of it.
As you say,a landslide,but maybe only in england.

They’d be better running polls individual to each of the 4 countries to get a more accurate picture.


An agreement over border checks between UK and EU may be close using near real time information to minimise the need for physical checks.


And they said it couldn’t be done…

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Where has the push come from? If I have interpreted the below two articles correctly, Šefčovič proposed this back in June but Boris Johnson was unwilling to negotiate due to there still needing to be ‘some’ checks rather than ‘none’:

[Šefčovič] said there was almost no difference between the UK demand for “no checks” and the EU’s offer of “minimum checks, done in an invisible manner”.

Today’s FT Article


The European Union is prepared to cut checks and controls “to the absolute bare minimum” if British Prime Minister Boris Johnson agrees to engage with it on the Northern Ireland Protocol, its chief Brexit negotiator has said.

I guess we only needed to wait until we had half a cunt as PM rather than the full cunt that is Boris Johnson. Never go full cunt.


It was a well known fact. And the Tories sold off the NHS twice last week. Bastards.

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One commentator i follow has since deleted his tweet which suggested this story came from the EU side and UK officials had told him that there was no agreement.

Truss may reject it, but it isnt hard to see how beneficial it would to her to agree this proposal.


Military wouldn’t really be able to help. My mate is British Military Police, they hold very limited powers in their ability to police or arrest non-military members compared to the civilian police force so they would be highly ineffective.

You usually see military deployed during natural disasters to aid in rescue operations or with clean up. You may also see them manning checkpoints after a terrorist attack, but you won’t see military in the UK or America performing policing operations.


Is 15 minutes adequate before you sink in Irish Sea?


Absolutely shocking! The UK needs change; perhaps a King happy to talk in terms of ‘revolution’ will inadvertently assist in this regard…

Meanwhile in Moscow…
Meanwhile in N.Korea…
Meanwhile in Beijing…

Nothing to see in Edinburgh or London - move along.

Coming soon to a town near you - you can’t say you weren’t warned.

Those are not democratic states with Freedom of Expression. In the UK, you should compare yourself to European democratic countries, not authoritarian states. Unless you want the UK to be an authoritarian state, in which case that is then a valid comparison.

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Evidently must be very careful what you say near a royal in England. I was amused to read of a kindergarten class in Western Australia when qe2 visited in 2000 where several kids asked her ‘whats your name’ ‘whose Nanna are you’ etc and otherwise gave zero fucks. Recalled by principal who, were he in UK today, would probably lose his job:

If you saw on TV demonstrators against Putin being arrested in Moscow - you would /should be railing against the lack of free speech in that country. Railing against the suppression of legally expressed opinions. Same in China, N.Korea, Saudi Arabia etc.

You do not see the comparison?

It is rare that human rights are eroded all at once in one grand revolutionary act. They are eroded inch by inch until one day you turn around and say how the fuck did we get here?

Nobody is saying that the UK is there yet. But actions like those seen yesterday are one of the first steps on the road to silencing perfectly legal protests.

Censoring, silencing, intimidating, canceling, and arresting people for peacefully protesting or expressing their legal opinions is wrong and dangerous and a very sinister slope indeed.