UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

No it is Prince George as he’s Williams first born, was a list published the other day, after all of Williams children it would then be Prince Harry and then his children before prince noncealot

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Not if William died before Charles, I don’t think.

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Yeah its great. Love it - even like the English anthem (while abhoring the sentiment!).

When @Klopptimist mentioned Elgar I even started to warm to him :wink:

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I’d love to get rid of the current national anthem. It’s a dirge and from another age. Jerusalem is more uplifting but problematic for other reasons. Land of Hope and Glory?..something entirely new?


You’ll never walk alone ?


I think that would divide all fanbases, including ours!

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It is possible that there would be a regent given Georges age at the moment but the next king would still be George.

I think the last examples of this in Britain were Duke of Northumberland during the early years of Edward VI of England and James Douglas (Duke of ??) during the reign of James VI of Scotland.

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I Vow To Thee My Country - Gustav Holst. It’s part of the Jupiter section of the Planets Suite. Patriotic with out being bombastic or nationalistic.


Edward VI was heir as Henry VIIIs son. Wouldn’t Harry become heir if William predeceased Charles?

Only if all of William’s children were to die first. It’s explained (at great length!) in the Wikipedia page. It’s worth seeing how the Act Of Union played into this as there were significant differences to the Succession rules between England, Scotland and Hanover.


Thanks, I’ll give it a read.

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Jnr sang it solo last week for the whole school assembly day after. Head rang Mrs about 6pm and asked if Jnr could. Sad day but bloody proud parents.


Civil service gets a privilege day for the queen’s birthday…does that mean they get one for king Charles and his " new birthday"?

Privilege days went out of the window quite a few years ago. So no.

Would only happen if William didn’t already have an heir.

Scar forcibly took the crown when Mufasa died, it should have passed straight to Simba. If Simba had died before Mufasa and didn’t not have an heir, then it would have gone to Scar legitimately.


Hmm we still get them in the civil service, normally have to take it over Xmas etc so this year we have 26-28th December etc but have been told the 28th will be when we should take the privilege day

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OK, I thought they had been completely scrapped. I used to get the Scottish ones which ended up being the 3rd January, St Andrew’s Day and any local trade holidays.


Why is Jerusalem problematic? Would defo be my pick for an English anthem, and is already used a fair bit like in the commonwealth games.

Yeah I think in Scotland they are referred to now as public holiday.

Well according to a Scottish co worker who has just put in for A/L and pointed it out, tbh not sure but on my A/L it’s mentioned as a privilege day😬

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