UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Because the people trying to throw mud at the wall have no arms.

Not really. More a case of too many refusing to admit something is wrong and they were / are wrong in backing it. They therefore decide to tarnish the sensible.

Think that works both ways too

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The order of events have been perfect really for anyone who wants the Tories to completely fuck off and stop ruining the country.

You could predict had the no-confidence vote occurred after these by-elections when some of the pro-BJ MPs have finally broken out of his spell and realised heā€™s flushing the party down the toilet, it would probably be curtains for Johnson.

I completely disagree with say, @Mascotā€™s opinion that there is any event, or any position, where weā€™ll see the PM walk. He just wonā€™t. No matter how far the party falls, just like Trump, heā€™ll still be there. He may be a narcissist, but survival trumps approval. The only way heā€™ll be removed is by his party or by the public.

Iā€™d prefer the latter. Short term pain for long term gain. Bring the Tories to their knees and make sure they donā€™t get another decade to obliterate the public service to line their own pockets and leave the country in a worse position than when they began.


In some ways but what we are seeing is a group of people flatly denying anything is wrong and deciding to push the agenda that the other side is worse.

Iā€™m not sure people saying that the government is garbage or there are huge problems with xxx (take your pick) are actually wrong at this juncture.

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I get your perspective but, assuming there is no Lazarus style popular support revival, the only way Boris lasts until an election is that he calls it himself. Which I expect heā€™d use as a threat to avoid another no confidence vote but Iā€™m not sure heā€™d bother to pull the trigger if it meant going down to a thumping defeat.

Its an interesting questionā€¦how far does his vanity or maliciousness runā€¦

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Hereā€™s an example of what Iā€™m talking about. Firstly I wouldnā€™t expect the person that negotiated the Brexit deal would ever say anything other than it being brilliant in this day and age in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary but secondly he is still given the airtime and obviously has support.

Imo the answer is quite simple, career politicians as in the case of at least 95% of parliament ( personal stat made up as I canā€™t be arsed with Westminster) needs to be put in prison because they are only out to enrich themselves ā€¦again personal opinion as Iā€™m fed up of the bullshit nonsense of manufactured outrage/crisis that they make each dayā€¦

The fact is I had never heard of Mick Lynch , and the fact that I hate the notion that the whole country is screwed to the benefit of London annoys me , and yet here we have an unknown entity ( to me ) who stands above the parapet and becomes one of the most sensible people to open their mouths on issues affecting the majority of us.

The Tory press have been shameless, the videos of the MPs being called out by him for blatantly lying is shocking, and yet he stands out talking about real issues affecting us all and also about the working class which to me struck a chord as Iā€™m sure it did with many, just wish my union had a leader like that.


Do you propose we have new elections to get another set of parliamentarians (will they have a temporary prison amnesty?) or just leave the remaining less than 5% to govern. An oligarchy who can chose their leader to be president, CCP style. :face_vomiting:

:joy: no just wish we had honest people who genuinely care about the people and not on using the position to their own benefit


To be fair, the vast majority of MPs go about their daily business with the best interests of their constituents at heart; we only need look at the posthumous paeans of praise to Sir David Amess and Jo Cox to see that.

The problem is that itā€™s the duplicitous, venal wankers who make it to the top of the greasy pole, particularly (although not exclusively) in the Conservative Party.


I suspect most parliamentarians start out with good intentionsā€¦


At the risk of completely misunderstanding what youā€™re saying, Iā€™m going to put this out there.

The whole country is not screwed to the benefit of London.

Itā€™s brilliant isnā€™t it, that many of these selfsame politicians that you decry, along with the press, have managed to twist this into a London versus the rest of the country rhetoric. That London is full of the elite and needs to be taken down a peg, and funding removed.

Theyā€™ve managed to turn people who would otherwise be expressing solidarity with each other against the real culprits of their plight, to hate each other, and completely ignore the latter.

London has some of the worst poverty rates in the country. London has the worst poverty rate by region in the country (27%), some of the worst child poverty rates in the country (the highest rate outside London by local authority is Manchester with 42%, while Lambeth and Southwark are on 43%, Waltham Forest on 45%, Hackney on 48% along with Barking and Dagenham, Newham on 50%, and Tower Hamlets on 56%, while the other London boroughs are already on average higher than the rest of the country on average). All data from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Thatā€™s not even to talk about other measures of poverty.

They tell you London is to blame, when in reality, itā€™s the pathetic mismanagement of the country to direct all the resources to the rich that is crippling the country. No money to sustain what is otherwise a profit-making TfL, or to actually expand rail infrastructure in the north, but enough money to waste on pandemic spending handouts to their mates.

But yes, London is to blame. Not the Conservative Party this country is so obsessed with voting in over and over again.


Agree @redalways. I think if you change it

then it makes more sense.

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Rather than the people themselves I prefer to blame the system and the also the media to some level.

Firstly lobbying. Shouldnā€™t happen or least serious changes needed.
First past the post is not working
Salary, expenses etc. Is properly broken and open to abuse
The whole performance of the ministerial code etc.
Second jobs, links to other business etc. Shouldnā€™t happen.

Then this 18th century conduct thing even when on TV where you canā€™t call out a liar. Politicians are continually given platforms by the media in unchallenged forums to spout stuff without checks and balances.

I am wondering whether media being biased is right or wrong.


So terrible. Itā€™s these kind of refugees that we (Australia) but also UK and elsewhere should be welcoming into our country as they are the ones who will go on to make the country great if they are integrated not the fucking wealthy ā€˜economicā€™ visa seekers from, for instance, China who view us like a parasitic host and a temporary place to perhaps ā€˜studyā€™ and buy property or (especially if elderly) use the health care system while never integrating properly.
Young men (and women) from poor countries who are desperate to make a new life in a homeland that will adopt them are the refugees that we want.


The idea that all politicians are the same is so poisonous. Theyā€™re not.


:rofl: :rofl:


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