UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

My organisation will be closed. The schools are closed. I couldn’t work if I wanted to.

But let’s not be under any illusions that this spectacle is costing the country billions, and grossly inconveniencing lots of people.

Saying this display of public grieving isn’t impacting anyone’s lives is simply not true.

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1 is really more of a guideline.

I don’t even know what you think you’ve answered and I can’t be bothered to look, but I’d be willing to go out on a limb and say that I doubt it’s anywhere near as impressive as you seem to think it is.

I don’t think posting some links is impressive.

There were alternatives to this shitshow.

I liked the suggestion I read that Her Majesty should have been divided into a number of different parts with each being sent to different areas of the country. That way shows of public respect could have been kept to smaller locally managed events.

London is the capital so that obviously gets the royal head and brain. Less important centres like Carlisle and Newcastle could receive a toe or finger that people could then pay their respects to.

At the end of the lying in state(s) her majesty would then be solemnly and respectful reassembled before being interred on Monday as planned.

Oh come on :laughing: Who are all these people who don’t want an extra day’s holiday and get paid for it? You are just making that up.

Granted employers might not appreciate it and may be “grossly inconvenienced” but I doubt many other people are. Everyone I know who works is just looking forward to the extra day off.

Did you read what I put?

As this bank holiday wasn’t planned, lots of stuff has had to be cancelled. Including medical procedures people have been waiting for for a very long time.

Yes, it’s lovely that we’re getting an extra bank holiday. And I’ll certainly be doing something nice with it that doesn’t involve watching the endless droning sycophantic coverage of a funeral for a 96 year old woman I didn’t know.

I might feel differently had I had my cancer treatment cancelled.

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Will it involve spending your whole day complaining about it on the internet?

I might allow myself a little bit of that.

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Pirates Of The Caribbean Code GIF by Brian Benns

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You’re actually advocation that the ancient act of “quartering” as in hung, drawn and quartered should be applied to the queen. You’ve said some mad shit on here over the years (haven’t we all hic) but this one doesn’t just take the biscuit, you’ve stolen the whole lorry load of rich tea. Paddington is furious.

Tuesday can’t come soon enough to start slating Truss for you :joy: it’s been weird seeing the Tory knocking taking a back seat :joy:


I think few people, even Americans, really understand how weird the response to the end of he US civil war was. A war was fought to defeat a certain argument, and once that war was won we jus opened up the door to government and let those insurgents back in. As such, we reinvited those defeated arguments back into the political discourse. The South as a whole nor its leaders really suffered now consequences from losing that war (any more than they suffered from fighting it), and the result was the ideals were retained in Southern society. It is from here that the romanticism of the south comes from.

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We are doing a little better about that in Canada, kids are being taught about the residential schools and what was done to our First Nations.


Tickets to see Brian Cox on Monday cancelled. And rightly so.

Because he’s an atheist?

Because the Queen being head of CoE is akin to the pope dying to many Catholics etc and the Queen was very religious an all that.

Fair play to him for cancelling out of respect, seems like he’s in the same league as Gregg’s and McDonalds

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Actually he’s a lover of pancakes and Yorkshire Puddings.

Things can only get batter…….

Where’s @ubermick when you want banning?

I think that misrepresents what I am proposing. I think a ceremony to divide the late monarch into maybe 40-50 separate parts could take a solemn and in some ways beautiful dignity of its own. It could become a part of the pageantry of the occasion, whereby regional centres all send dignitaries to receive their piece of Her Majesty. We could even get school children involved. I’m sure The Queen would love that.

It could never really work because Birmingham and Manchester would argue too much about who gets the second best bit.

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We’ll they’ve passed the new ‘zero protest’ bill, fecked about with everyone’s pension entitlement, and all sorts of other things that have been detrimental to a large majority of the population. I’m not sure he any majority were in favour of us ending up in the situation we find ourselves now? :nerd_face:


They should do.

Few countries have airbrushed/rewritten their history like the UK and US have. And it’s not just history. Have been to many countries where the legacy of colonialism is very present