UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Uurrgghh. Mick Lynch is in the news and has been successful recently because heā€™s giving it to everyone no matter their political colour.

It might work particularly well when train strikes are concerned but when you are a politician trying to vacuum up as much of the centre ground as possible - which is absolutely essential to win an election - then it doesnā€™t work too well unless you compromise. A lot. I donā€™t know if you are suggesting that Labour needs Lynch and not to compromise and therefore hand the election victory to Tories on a plate?

I honestly canā€™t believe anyone would think a politician would represent one particular interest group. No one party perfectly aligns with hippies, socialists, the working class, right wing extremists. Politicians will try to cover as many bases as they can and hope itā€™s enough.

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Seriously, why the fuck is Carrie Johnsonā€™s opinion relevant? The very fact that she has such unaccountable influence on government/the PM is a massive fucking problem. Saying she voiced concerns over Pincherā€™s appointment goes to validating the relevance of her views. Fuck her and fuck Johnson.


Not only that, but in 2017, she was just a mistress - a bit on the side.

The fact that she could hold so much power over BoJo even as a bit on the side shows just how clueless and useless he actually is


Said all along he was / is a puppet.

Just stand back and think how else would a useless fuckwit get the PM job, on top of all the other roles heā€™s had? Heā€™s been nudged, supported, manipulated and given a good old knees up by others while everyone else just sat back and laughed at the idiot he is.

Heā€™s clearly ambitious but letā€™s not confuse ambition with ability.


Sort of misses the point though.

If even Carrie who is highly problematic is pointing out that Pincher seems highly problematic as long ago as 2017 and that official complaints had been made at that time, then maybe, just maybe he should have been sacked/demoted or ā€˜seeking medical helpā€™ back then.

It seems some are quite happy to gloss over or diminish the Pincher revelations and it probably all boils down to all being in an old boys club or something.


Once again Boris knew, Boris lied that he knew.

These are the two takeaways, not trying to paint Carrie as the scapegoat. She is a problem, but should not be the focus here.


I can be both canā€™t it?

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Heā€™s ā€œpolitically savvyā€ is the phrase nowadays.

Pretty damning stuff from Simon McDonald. Proof the BoJo knew all along, and has lied none stop about what he has known

Yes, Iā€™m saying either of these takes is much more important than trying to make out that Carrie is the only problem here.

Which I wasnā€™t doing but increasingly it seems as if you have to tackle every single issue in a post otherwise adverse inferences will be drawn about your opinion on elements you havenā€™t addressed. :man_facepalming:t3:

Its not just that he lied. But that he covered his lie with a lie, then covered that lie with another lie, and so on and so forth.

Like he did with the parties, and COVID and Every. Single. Thing he has done in office. Quite easily the worst PM this country has ever had. And by a very very long way.


There was ā€œCool Britanniaā€ during teflon Tonyā€™s time, do we now have ā€œFool Britanniaā€ during BloJoā€™s time?

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I think itā€™s both.

Iā€™m really concerned about Mā€™Ladyā€™s role in government. She seems to have shagged her way to position of power, that is more in keeping with Game of Thrones, than a 21st Century democracy. I do not like the influence she has over Government, and it is absolutely not her place to be vetting appointments and positions.

At the same time, when even the mistress, as she was at the time, is waving a red flag on a someone, then maybe it should be listed to.

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ā€œPincher by name, Pincher by natureā€ is a comment from Boris according to Cummings.

He knew.

Am I the only one who has to log in to use the BBC News app now? Itā€™s a disgrace, there should be absolutely no need for a login.