UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

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Sharing the dais with Lord Lebedovā€¦

Labour need to get that fucking no confidence motion in before they ditch herā€¦


That would require some stealth and intelligence on your side.

No Way Commando GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Wouldnā€™t that require some Tory MPs to vote no confidence?
They wouldnā€™t be stupid enough to vote themselves out of a job,would theyā€¦

kids people GIF

Liz Truss Cheese GIF by GIPHY News

I was literally just thinking about that, and came on to post that. Colin Pascoe and Mike Marsh vibes.


Thatā€™s brilliant :joy:

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It absolutely boxes them in.

If they vote confidence in her, it makes it so much harder for them to ditch her.


I doubt her own husband has much confidence in her.

I dont think it does. Either the letters to the 1922 will be in before the vote, or the Tories can vote for her and then ditch her on the basis the new budget wasnā€™t sufficient.

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Itā€™s a joke, thereā€™s fiddling going on on a massive scale you just donā€™t go from a 200m profit to that in loss. Itā€™s not mismanagement itā€™s deliberate. Someones making a packet from manys hard work.
The excuses are just laughable. :rofl:

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Ukraine, that was the plan wasnā€™t it for Agriculture, Oh, wait ā€¦

ā€˜These are serious peopleā€™
:rofl: could have fooled me ā€¦ unless Iā€™m completely miss interpreting ā€¦ ā€˜seriousā€™ ā€¦ :rofl:
I am seriously going to wet my pants. :rofl:

Oh wait they say ā€˜comprehendā€™ in place of ā€˜understandā€™ must be serious! :rofl:

it is a fantastic pork pie smile, get a grip man! :rofl:

Not for the thousands set to lose their jobs, or those who will be suffering a real pay cut.


I am sure that thereā€™s good news on the pork front. I do believe an abattoir in Suffork managed to hire a pig killer ā€¦ :rofl:

Not if it freezeq, which should happen soon.

The majority voted for it, now they can suck it up! :rofl: