UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Rumours that Jon Glen, the treasury minister, is about the resign.

And here we have our problem. The left is moderate and closer to the centre whereas the right is further the wrong way. In your opinion. Asked Mrs earlier today why she records and later watches ITV morning news “Can’t stand the BBC, all lefty nonsense”. @ILLOK conversations between people who live together?

That literally looks at, and then spectacularly misses the point.

Once again, you’re being obtuse.

If Boris had a shred of decency, he’d go now.

Cbs Love GIF by LoveIslandUSA

Internet Im Out GIF

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Misogyny at it’s finest.


Love a bit of geometry me.

So sorry to hear this

See this is the issue with you, you can’t accept any criticism of anything left, you talk of dog whistling but continue to dog whistle that anyone whose views are different to yours are actually bordering on extreme right, if you can’t see that wherever there is a protest and the socialist workers tend to be there, then anarchy tends to follow with basically some form of property damage, please feel free to fact check as much as you like.

All your posts genuinely sound boring and themselves regurgitated from whatever guardian article of the day you are reading.

Wtf is a ‘socialist worker’? I work, and I’d like a fairer, more equal society. Am I one?


Fucking love that episode of Seinfeld.


Where’s my dog whistle on that?

You’ve quite clearly missed most of my posts in this thread.

What @WeeJoe said.

The Grauniad is good for their investigative journalism pieces, football, and travel guides. Not much else I’m afraid. Tend to favour Reuters, the Financial Times, and BBC where I can get my news from them instead.

But hey, triggered you at least right?


To all you RWNJs…

Also as other say kopstar, sorry to hear about mental health issues, I know there are quite a few here over the many years have mentioned issues and each time it’s a sorry state of affairs that each individual has issues.

I don’t know if PAM assist do anything outside of the civil service, but I used them a while ago for work issues, into the first few months of COVID,
My TL suggested I use them, as he knew I was reluctant because to me at the time it was a sign of weakness to admit I claim close to a breakdown (and sadly some part of me does still think it was a sign of weakness of mine ).

But the help and support they gave was really great, if anyone is struggling with mental health issue but doesn’t want to admit to themselves or close ones, that’s fine, but just make sure you have a good network of family and friends around you if do feel over pressured because without their support, I honestly would have ended my life without a second thought if I had fallen into depression even further.

“There is no place for anyone in this government who abuses power,” Mr Johnson said.

Well fuck me sideways :man_facepalming:t2:

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why do i feel you misquoted him and what he actually said was **"There is no place for anyone in this government who won’t let me fuck em sideways? :rofl:

That’s why I don’t ask your missus anything.


(if in doubt - this is satire :+1:t3:)

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Home office minister Victoria Adkins has resigned.

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