UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

But does this not work both ways ? Moderate socialists keep quiet whilst their party lurches to an extreme left position is surely just the same to many who try to avoid both extremities of left/ right .

The thought of an extreme left wing government to me is just as bad an an extreme right wing government.

But more to the point to me is that ideological differences are so toxic between the 3 factions of left/right and centre that they no longer really compromise on much, and seem to love being entrenched in eternal debate whilst the country splits even more.

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Depends who you ask. Thatcher and Johnson merrily fucked up peopleā€™s lives in the UK. Blair and Brown introduced some good things here (living wage, SureStart etc) but have the blood of thousands of Iraqis on their hands.

Could add Cameron to the mix for the damage the Brexit referendum has done.

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tbf i was still in short trousers when she was in power. Blair sending the country to war over a lie is pretty damn shameful but im not going to argue the point! <3

Iā€™m a working class kid, who grew up in West Yorkshire on a council estate in a mining family during the miners strike. Trust me when I say there is a special well of hatred reserved for that woman.

But Johnson is much, much worse.

Thatcher was, at the very least, competent and capable, she had conviction and vision, even if she was wrong and without a shred of compassion. And she did get, on a basic level, rule of law.

Thatcher said the very basic role of Government was to uphold the law, and if Government felt itself above the law then there was no reason for the public to follow the law either.

Do you think Johnson believes that?

Honestly, Thatcher would fucking loathe Johnson. Sheā€™d see straight through his bullshit and recognise him for the vacuous, lazy, elitist, and deeply unserious, public school boy he is.


Straw man. Thereā€™s never been an ā€˜extreme leftā€™ government in UK or even the potential for that. I challenge you to look back at Corbynā€™s 2017 manifesto and find a single thing that would make life worse for normal people


When did this happen?


I donā€™t know how itā€™s escaped you but the NHS have had unprecedented demands placed on it due to the worst global pandemic in over a century.

They have not claimed they are building 30 new hospitals, get your facts rightā€¦

I think they claimed they were ā€˜buildingā€™ 40 new onesā€¦ (or painting / cleaning them anyway) :wink:

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Free WiFi for everyone :joy: I remember a work colleague reading out the comments section at the time in one of the rags and one stated "he has the right to pay for his WiFi whatever the cost, why should commie Corbyn make it free "

t has not escaped me. may 2019 is 10 months before the country went into lockdown and was well before the first signs of covid 19 hit china. so what you said has no real relevance.


I sympathise. I waited for over 2 years to get a mental health appointment, during which time I was suicidal. The thought that I may have only moved up the queue because those ahead of me had not received help before it was too late was fucking appalling.

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The Schoolā€™s Minister and the Childrenā€™s minister have both resigned this morning.

Several more previously supportive MPs have withdrawn their support.

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Hmm there was no protests in recent years of riots/smashing of buildings, toppling of statues etc ?

Maybe when the next G7/20 meeting comes to London I can find a nice cafe in central London to relax and watch the peaceful protests pass me by.

What has this got to do with a political party?

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Sorry just my experience of socialist worker tending to turn up at these protests tend to be labour supporters.

This is the reason i donā€™t make a song and a dance about it. there are always people worse off. I donā€™t complain about waiting for my appointment but my step mother went blind in one eye due to them not treating her. It begs the question of how many other people have suffered needlessly?

I am very sorry to read about your problems having suffered my self for many years with mental health issues. Hopefully you are now on the upward path (its still a struggle but you can see you are heading in the right direction).

I found my issues easier to manage now i know the root cause. Wish you all the best <3


In the first place, what one considers ā€œthe centreā€ can vary a lot between people. Many people think theyā€™re centrists when theyā€™re quite far right.

Consider what the UK media often calls ā€œextreme leftā€. Theyā€™re very often just bog-standard centre-left social democrat policies in Europe. But when you have a right-wing media machine, it becomes extreme.


Genuinely, everything you say sounds like itā€™s being regurgitated from the rags that pretend to be newspapers.

What socialist worker turned up at those protest? Itā€™s like dog whistle after dog whistle with you.

Thatā€™s not the Labour Party lurching into extremism though is it?

So back to the point. You said that members of the Labour Party donā€™t care when the party lurches towards left wing extremism. I asked when this actually happened.