UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

It’s not a choice any more than my being straight or others being gay. It’s an innate feeling and not something that you can select. I couldn’t suddenly decide to be gay, or trans, and I don’t believe that they could choose to be straight.
Who would choose a life of such conflict and turmoil?
Maybe if you realised this you might have more empathy.


Glad you admit it. That’s why you can’t discuss politics with your friends. You can’t play nicely.

I like females. It’s not a choice. I think capitalism is the best way forward. Can / should I be educated out of either of these things? No. Why is one so dearly protected by the left and the other is quite happily a target for being called a cunt?

…and here was me thinking I will head off to bed an hour ago…
then it all kicks off again :0))


Ah, the condescension kicks in.

I end up saying something rude because you are incapable of having this debate without being grossly offensive.

Let’s have it right. Comparing gender dysmorphia with wanting to be a housebrick is about the most disgustingly insensitive, provocative, and ignorant think you could say on the issue. It’s the kind of thing Jeremy Clarkson would blithely and unthinkingly spaff into a Telegraph opinion piece, and have to subsequently apologise for.

So there is no point talking to you about it. You approach the subject in bad faith.

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Your sexuality is a fact of your nature. Your political beliefs are an idea which you can change and adapt through exposure to new ideas, argument and debate.

You are not capitalist is the same way you are heterosexual.

Jesus Christ. I’m actually having to explain this to an adult.


You have a tiny imagination.

This is you approaching the issue in good faith, is it?

Good night.

That’s absolute bollocks. If I believe people do better through hard work and endeavour and ladies are sexy, how can you possibly say one is a fact of nature and the other can be changed? You’re on a very slippery slope here.

It certainly will be. I watched Shawshank with jnr earlier, will be walking on moonbeams for weeks.

You do know that many people don’t vote for the same political party in every election for their entire life?


You will be subject to condescension as long as you continue to make nonsensical claims such as that your political beliefs and your sexuality are both choices.
Your gender identity is not something you can select. I can’t weigh up the arguments for and against being gay or trans and decide to become homosexual.
How is this unclear?


Fuck me. Why does almost everybody on this form think that because I tend to the right mean I’m a conservative? I breath so I’m an Everton fan because they do too??

Where in that comment did I say you were?

Lots of projecting going on today. I mention gammons and you assume I mean you. I mention voting and you quickly try and deny you’re a tory.


Neither is your inherent opinion on life.

You didn’t.

Never ever said that.

This may apply to you, but other people are more than capable of changing their opinions.

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But only on certain things? Things you define? Deep shit……