UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

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Multiple people on here point it out and I should bend to their opinion.

I suppose if I go on to the mail and read a story and look at the comments which are hating on eg migrants,LGBTQ+ etc I should listen to them as well.
Iā€™m definitely going to agree with the mail trolls as Iā€™m a right winger apparently :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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This isnā€™t the Daily Mail. Itā€™s a forum you chose to be part of, and weā€™re all part of a community of people. Maybe if a few different people take objection to the way your post is expressed the sensible thing to do would be to think ā€˜Maybe I could have put that betterā€¦ā€™, rather that dig in, stamp your feet and have a tantrum.

The problem is that people use any transgressions from within migrant communities to demonise migrants and legitimise racism and bigotry. Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s what you were doing, but itā€™s certainly how your pop at Corbyn could be interpreted.


Wow,thatā€™s a really good response from a Modā€¦

Maybe you should find those posts that I mentioned earlier,you know the ones where I mention my dislike of rapists and criminals that commit capital crimes.
You probably responded to a few when I mentioned hanging.

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You have the patience of a saint :exploding_head:


Maybe you should step away from the internet for a bit and calm down.

Iā€™m quite calm thanks,maybe you should stop making comments about people having tantrums and stamping their feet itā€™s not really the way to behaveis it.

I did state earlier that as far as I was concerned the conversation was over and the another ā€˜left wingā€™ poster decided to chip in probably due to your insinuations.

Have fun though we just won a game against Everton.

There are times when we should all go to bed. Weā€™re all Liverpool fans after all :slight_smile:


Fuck,buy a guy a drink first :astonished:


So make it over thenā€¦

I assume we lost tonight?

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What happened here!!

ā€œFuck,buy a guy a drink firstā€ @Derecho

Go ed then. Iā€™ve already had a drink.

BTW, whoā€™s gonna be at this ā€˜bedā€™ party? :thinking::nerd_face:

Bloody hell, been reading this. We beat Everton and looked a bit more like it. We should chill out a bit!

My tuppence on migrants is to welcome them, and let them live and work and build a life. The vast majority will be ace. Some of them will be twats and will do bad things, but thatā€™s because they are humans, not because they are migrants.


Getting back to topicā€¦


A fair few deluded bits in the article which makes it even funnier :rofl:


The Tory Party murdered the Conservative party a few years back and has been relying on brand loyalty since. What Britain actually lacks is a centre-right socially conservative, slightly paternalistic party that tends to be mainstream in other European countries.

I think much of the support that Labour currently has is that they are seen to be filling that gap which, with the best will in the world, is not their raison dā€™etre.


He needed to get this done and dusted as soon as possible so he can deal with the inevitable uproar from the Momentum lot well before the next election. This one will run and runā€¦

It will play well with the electorate in generalā€¦

I do wonder how Jezza would have handled the Ukraine situation if he had won that last election? Would he have refused to supply arms which would have made his relationship with NATO very interesting.

Heā€™s have been too busy gas cutting aircraft carriers and nuke subs into scrap to notice.

Thank fuck he never. Our early full throated defence and actions galvanised others across the EU. Without it who knows what might have unfolded.

As much as I dislike Johnson, itā€™s the one thing he deserves credit for.

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TBH, I think you are misremembering that. The initial response was in terms of sanctions and those announced by the UK were a joke. They then announced much stronger sanctions a few days later. Reading between the lines, someone in the US administration had had words with Johnson.

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