UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I’m not withdrawing anything.

You chose to phrase your post in a problematic way. Maybe you’d like to withdraw that?

No I’m fine with the post I made.
It seems you are fine with your insinuations.

Conversation ends as far as I care.

Are you? We’ll allow me to explain the problem with it.

Women live under constant fear of sexual violence from all kinds of men. None excluded. And yet on the rare occasions a migrant is the perpetrator, the gloves come off and the outrage spills onto the streets in a way that is absent on the countless occasions where a women is attacked by someone who isn’t a migrant. The reason for this is racism and intolerance. It’s communities coiled like a spring waiting for any reason to express their bigotry in a way that is safe and inarguable. People will claim they are concerned for the safety of their community, while being completely unconcerned when it comes to the 99.9% of sexual assaults that aren’t committed by migrants. The problem is clearly that people aren’t really that arsed about sexual violence - they just don’t like migrants.

The problem with your post is that it puts the emphasis on migrants and not on men. Those men didn’t hassle/rape that schoolgirl because they were migrants. The problem is men. Men. Men. Fucking awful bastard men. Jeremy Corbyn is not obligated to refer to that in a fairly bog standard tweet calling for tolerance.

It reminds me of the way grooming gangs are reported. Some grooming gangs are referred to as Asian grooming gangs. Others are just called grooming gangs. Funny that.


Anyway I’d be interested to see some of the timing involved in this. The trickle of sleaze isn’t stopping


Case in point.

Wow. Absolutely. Pathetic. Right-Wing. Nonsense.

Here are 3 gang rapes I found from a 2 minute Google search from the white, Anglophone world over the last couple of months.

Irish men who gang raped teenager on Dublin beach given 30 year sentence

20 year old alleges gang rape by white Canadian CHL players

Two women allege gang rape by 7 white youths in Adelaide

I could find hundreds more like that over the last 2 months. In fact, just looking at England and Wales alone, I could find 850 alleged gang rapes over a 6 month period.

The right-wing media really are winning when there are posters on a fucking LIVERPOOL forum eating up their bullshit.


Lets see if this response to you is removed.

I am not a right winger and your response is absolute pathetic nonsense.

Especially when you posted that during a Derby game.

Because you have to be a card carrying member of the Labour party to post here. Sorry mate, mercifully, this isn’t RAWK.

What were you saying about abusive posts earlier…

Sad place when people can only post things that support the far left.

Posted in here a few times today about both main parties and it’s the corbyn one that gets the shit.

£300k that surely is no longer in the UK. :rofl:

No it won’t be, because it stayed the right side of abusive.

That’s a two way street though. When a black person is killed, it’s racially motivated. If it’s a trans person it’s a hate crime. Get my point?

Because it was nonsense.

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So you won’t be removing the abusive post I rsponded to?

Pretty pathetic the way left wing posters on here throw abuse at anyone they consider right wing.
I must remember attacking the tories is okay but God forbid I post anything about the left.

Thanks for you input…

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In your opinion.
Do you read the crap posted in here?
No need to answer that.

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I don’t think it was abusive. It was strongly worded, but it wasn’t telling another poster to fuck off, which yours did.

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This isn’t the cooking thread.

That’s a joke BTW.

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So telling someone to fuck off and watch the game when we are playing The Derby game when we are playing shit is bad.

Get ready for lots of reported posts.

Edited to add.
It’s probably a good thing that post is not removed it shows the bias on here.

That’s OK. I will.

The problem, as far as I can tell, is nothing to do with Corbyn. It could have been the Archbishop of Canterbury calling the calm and tolerance.

The issue is that you decided that an appeal for tolerance must also come with a condemnation of migrants raping people, with us obviously ridiculous. It’s inflammatory, inaccurant and full of unpleasant insinuations, which you may not have meant, but having multiple people point them out should be enough for you to reflect.

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