UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I think at this point, he’s too much of a distraction, even if unfairly so.

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I’m sure he’s more than content being a Twitter politician, trying to stay relevant in his world.

That’s just bollocks though. You can disagree with his politics but he’s been more consistent with his beliefs and shown more integrity than any of the other lot. I’ve no idea what Starmer stands for other than getting into power.

Agree with comment above that he’s probably too much of a distraction currently, thanks to the media witch hunt


The greatest service Corbyn could do now, for his party and his country, is to just quietly disappear from politics. I’m always been a huge admirer of his, but Labour have got to be laser focussed on getting these cunts out of power, and as @WeeJoe has correctly said, he is a distraction.


Chamberlain messed about for yonks, silly faffy idiot!

Poor injury record too

Have seem similar posted here. This notion that the Labour party has no objective beyond “getting these cunts out of power” is absolute bullshit.

They need to concentrate on a manifesto and shadow cabinet capable of running this country in a better manner than the current incumbents. Winning an election is not the same as being able to run the country.

Spending the run-up to the next election throwing shit at the current government (like throwing bricks at the floor) is simplistic and cheap. We need a credible government in waiting, not flimsy opportunists. The next government has to have intent, vision, depth, talent and drive. Not just “Vote for us because they’re shit” Yes, we know they’re shit but a government must be better than a cheap point scorer.


Here we go again.

Once more with feeling. We’re just under two years out from a GE.

At this point an opposition party is attacking the government, and setting out I what they stand for in the very broadest strokes.

If Labour put out a manifesto now the Tories have two years to work out exactly how to counter it. It would be absolutely brainless for Labour to release specific policy now.

Their job right now is to keep throwing shit at the Government.


Laura has abandoned all pretence of integrity, it seems…

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Did she ever have any?

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Much as I disagree with her, at least she has the balls to stand by her book.

Wouldn’t it be nicer if she just didn’t have such horrible beliefs?

My goodness I hate religion.


My point is that she should be allowed to have her beliefs, as we all should. Whether you vote for her or not is entirely up to you.

Many christians conveniently ignore uncomfortable commandments in the bible.That’s not a debate for here though.


She has just totally fucked her campaign by forgetting if is not 1957

Possibly. And she might have shown she has principle which win her votes.

You know my thoughts on religion.

She might pick up some votes from people who don’t think gays should be allowed to get married, but I don’t think there are many of them still around…

Much as I’d like to believe that politicians have strong cast iron beliefs, I am just not sure whether that is the case. I have to wonder how much of this is an blatant attempt at a Tory/older generation vote grab.

I find the sincerity of politicians, whose job it is to get elected by saying stuff, hard to imagine.

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As with anyone who cites religion as a reason for discrimination against gay people, she is not expressing her faith - she is just homophobic.

There is enough mad shit in the bible she rightly ignores, to be sure that it’s a case of looking to support an existing prejudice.

If she is also opposed to wearing mixed fabrics, working on a Saturday, eating shellfish and cutting hair at the temple, then I’ll happily apologise to her.


It is up for debate when they are using that as the basis for their justification for their beliefs.

No one is saying that religious people are not allowed to hold public office or even use their religious convictions as a basis for their political views. Jimmy Carter is a very good example of a deeply religious man who has also taken high office. However, his political views have always been explained from a secular perspective. I mean even the Pope does that.

Politicians are always going to be in a position of cognitive dissonance - trying to balance competing beliefs and priorities. Sometimes there are no good choices to make but they still have to make a decision. Whatever decision they make needs to be made on their own personal rationale. Simply quoting one bit of a religious book whilst happily ignoring others isn’t going to wash.