UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Apart from maybe the Taliban, don’t all religious people do this? I come from an evangelical Christian family where I am the only dissenter and I have never had a half sensible answer to this question so I gave up asking long ago.

The best they can come up with is that the New Testament always trumps the old one.


Is that because it’s shorter?

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I think it’s far more cynical than simply not liking gay people and not wanting them to marry. Cherry picking that one commandment and ramming it down children’s throats ensures more kids born into the church.

Catholics and contraception a perfect point. And the outright rejection on abortion. More Catholics = more money for the church.

Cynical, as I said.

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Diane’s minders have left her phone out in the open again…

NFI what the point of this is…


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This frustrated me for some reason. This ongoing sham where daft and petty politics gets in the way of a real benefit. I suppose because it’s so obvious here. I think we all saw how messy things get where politics clashes with science and how that can overflow and get twisted when it overflows into the public space. Here we have political beliefs and wranglings preventing an obviously right way forward


This just came up again in my Twitter feed…

I remember being gobsmacked the first time I saw it. Now I think it just stands as a sober reminder of why every Tory is a cunt.


As a matter of interest, how are you defining tory please?

I can’t speak for @SBYM but I would define Tory’s as members of the party. The people who actively work and campaign to further their interests. They had the power, at any point, to half Johnson’s procession through politics and into number 10.

The people who voted for them I consider to be their victims.


I don’t. I blame them for keeping Tories in power. How about people in N. Ireland who have been impacted the most by Tory lies and corruption, but have no means to vote them out.

I can’t think like that. I can’t go about my life thinking 40% of the population are selfish cunts.

Northern Ireland is a particularly grim situation, but there are people in the UK who can vote them out, don’t do so, have their lives shafted as a result, and still don’t think they’ve done anything wrong. How many working class people trudging through worsening economic hardship still think Boris Johnson did a good job?


I think you’d be hard pushed to find anybody who would say Boris did a good job. In fairness to him he did do a “few” things right. The rest was self serving treasonous cuntery though.

Still better than Corbyn.

Interested to know what these right things are? Considering the Conservatives have done nothing for 13 years I’d like to know what Boris got right.

As far as who thinks he did a good job my answer is too many. There’s a reason why the Express keep pushing him is because the readership ultimately can live with it or support it.

And I honestly feel for the people of NI. They are economically better off for one reason and one reason alone and they are being dragged out of it because a few people with a small minded political ideology


‘How about people in N. Ireland who have been impacted the most by Tory lies and corruption.’

They can always choose not to vote for a party that actively props up the Conservative Party at Westminster.

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Bad political instincts, that’s Corbyn’s problem.



Def needs a capital ‘T’. A card carrying Conservative, not a bumbling, old, lower case ‘t’ conservative.

@Mascot summed it up pretty well.


So of the two blokes who were not fit to be PM you’d choose the one who demonstrably cares only about himself?


Many of us do. DUP are worse than the Tories.
Doesn’t change the fact that Brexit was forced on us because of the majority in England and Wales. Now we have daily threats of return to violence and a policeman shot last night while coaching his son’s football team



It wasn’t our fault !


Wales and Scotland should annex a land-bridge from England and create the Democratic Republic of Walesland.

(It’s a working title… :rofl:)