UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Wow, so you’ve met Commando?!

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Rishi chipping away at labour’s lead. Exactly as prophesied.

Despite what you think, I and imagine most UK citizens regardless of political alignment, don’t want to see hardship on UK citizens, just so we can point and laugh at the Tories.

A better agreement in Northern Ireland is a good thing. Even if it has come years late and even after certain Tories have damaged the country’s reputation with the childish way they have acted during the negotiation period.

Well done to Sunak for correcting this. Sunak may claw back some popularity points off the back of it (is there something on this in the news feed because the ipsos political pulse 5 days ago had him at his lowest ever favourability score?) but I am sure Labour will remind them of all his failures along the way, when the time is right, as they rightly should.


Not entirely sure I know what I think. You’ve no chance.

You stated what you think in your previous post! :rofl:

I’m not sure this is exactly a huge win for Northern Ireland…

This has to be seen as a big win for Sunak , regardless of however the DUP choose to react in NI , and no matter how loudly the lunatic fringe of the Conservative Party shout. He’s done something that none of his immediate predecessors were able to do , simply by virtue of the fact that he seemed to be negotiating in good faith. It’s also probably put an end to Johnson’s hopes of a comeback , so he’s saved us all from that aswell.


Britain 2023. Where cutting a deal with the EU to ensure our food supply following a catastrophic Brexit is seen as a win.

It’s like someone asking for praise because they’ve sort of dealt with a shit they did on your carpet by putting a rug on it.

And there are still more than enough lunatics in that party to make things very awkward.

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Prior to today his numbers have been steadily getting worse.

I’ve said before that Labour’s numbers in the polls probably do not reflect how much underlying support the Conservatives still have but even with that I don’t see them having enough to win the next election.


If he spends the next 18 months slowly ironing out the shit show of the last few years, I very much suspect we’ll stay blue for another parliament.

Interesting the Rishi’s deal basically puts NI back into the EU as far as trade is concerned. It’s now hailed as a Brexit success.

To quote Rishi yesterday.
“This deal makes sure that food that’s available in the UK, is available in NI”

Heads up mate, we can’t buy a fucking cucumber here at the moment. Who writes their speeches?


Bought one this morning, loads in ASDA. I could post you one?

Fine cheers. I only buy bog roll in times of crisis.

Writ large, it probably is a massive success for Ulster. They now have trade benefits of the EU with relatively few of the obligations. It was the sort of outcome that I thought was possible in 2017, before the DUP and the ERG really dug into cutting off their nose to spite their face.

The obvious tension will now be why to locate a firm anywhere else in the UK.

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Yes, I wonder how long before Farage and co start asking why the rest of the UK can’t have a deal like that?

What happened to the Sleeping Habits thread? :thinking:

Crisis? No hyperbole here then.