UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Speaking to an audience in Northern Ireland later on Tuesday, Mr Sunak said the fact that Northern Ireland was able to have open access to the EU and unhindered trade with the UK’s home market was “an unbelievably special position” unavailable to any other trading nation.

And he said if his deal was accepted, Northern Ireland would be in a “unique position in the entire world, European continent, in having privileged access not just to the UK home market, which is enormous, fifth biggest in the world, but also the European Union’s single market. Nobody else has that.”

This is weapons-grade gaslighting.

Get these fuckers out.


We had that but, you know reasons, red buses and all that.

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Anything that looks half way competent seems like a stunning political achievement, given what the Tories have served up for years. The NI deal is a good step, but only after numerous missteps. It is a band aid on a festering turd of a situation, but it represents progress.

As such, the Tories will make slight gains on Labour - how could they not, but we all know the score. The next chapter belongs to Labour, and hopefully they will get two chapters to start to right some significant wrongs.

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Just read an article that the cost of a basket of basic staples has gone up by 33% in two years, to say nothing of energy price gouging showing no signs of slowing down.

The glitter Rishi just sprinkled on the Brexit turd will not last long.

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You should recycle staples



It’s odd you know in that I live in England and can currently purchase a wide variety of fruit and veg. The temptation to call at multiple supermarkets later and take selfies with them to post them here is high.

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Evil English denying the Welsh fresh veg? They’ve done worse you know.

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Good for you. Care to explain why various news outlets are reporting shortages and why Coffey suggested we eat turnips?

Wouldn’t put it past them, they were clearly worried prior to Saturday. :wink:

Why I don’t know,

Oh I don’t know, sensationalist news headlines? They’re a new thing BTW.

I had to read that three fucking times to make sure I wasn’t the problem here.

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Actually…it’s more like this…

I watched him making those comments this morning in NI. He was positively bouncing around with glee at what he had managed to pull off and that remark was borne out of his exuberance. Surely he must have realised almost immediately that he’d inadvertently admitted just what an historic fuck-up Brexit has been for the rest of us. I’ve a feeling those words will be hanging over him , and his party , as a reminder of their absolute folly for a very long time.


In case anyone is interested in some actual details and not just the headlines:


What was Sunak’s position in 2016? Is he likely to see an ERG rebellion building if he cannot convince them that it is a matter of electoral survival?

Unbelievably he’s only been an MP since 2015 , he was a leaver during the referendum campaign.

I think the ERG’s days in the sun are over tbh. It’s all been very quite from that camp and I think they’re wise enough to know which way the wind is blowing now.

He is in the odd position where he has been a solid advocate for leave throughout yet seen by others as being less committed despite most of his leadership rivals having been in one way or another backing remain at one time or another.

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Won’t the SNP now demand the same deal for Scotland?

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