UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I can’t see the EU having much interest in even having that conversation. The EU’s imperative has been to find a framework that maintained the borderless state of the Good Friday Agreement and the integrity of the single market. They have compromised on the latter in this agreement.


Who the fuck eats cucumbers anyway.
All they do is repeat on you all day.

Who said cucumbers were for eating?

What happens with them in France is for the privacy of your own home

Certainly explains squatting over big round holes.

More local politics than national, but better than cucumbers I suppose…

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It’s a ridiculous situation. The trees are 100 year old mature growths, subject to a felling prevention order. The developers are trying to cut them down in spite of knowing this full well and police are actually fucking assisting them by attacking the protesters, despite the fact they know it they are protected. And the lawyer who arrived to enforce the tree felling order ends up having to occupy a tree because neither the developers or the police will acknowledge that felling them is against the bloody law.

Mad situation, but developers are bastards like this. They’re plan was obviously to cut them down, feign ignorance, pay a small fine and plant some saplings.


Yes but we need to knock everything down. Trees, factories, shops, farms, anything in the pursuit of more houses. Nobody needs anywhere to work but they must have a 4 bed detached with 3 bathrooms and a conservatory.

It sickens me that my home town knocked down the following in order to build houses:
Rylands (Wire)
And many more, now Crossfields (Uni-Lever) is scheduled for demolition and guess what, houses.

But nobody needs anywhere to work. I guess we can all build houses?

I live on a Cul de Sac of four bedroom houses. We are the only family of four people. The last few houses that have sold on the street have been bought by 60+ year old men who live in them alone.

with the massive exodus from the CBD offices to working from home, I believe there’s a market for residential conversions during this housing crisis. like this one

Whilst I think the idea is a good one, there are a lot of issues that would need be addressed and considered for it to be genuinely viable as an option to the current housing crisis.

Not sure what it is like in Canada, but in the UK the redtape and regulations that need to be factored in makes it a task that serverly limits the number of developers that would take on such a job, and those developers tend to be focused on the higher-end style of apartments which rules out a large number of the population to being able to afford them, so they will end up in the hands of either professional landlords or overseas buyers.

The 2nd issue to consider is what effect it would have on the cities when there is a sudden increase in housing and residents, but not the local services (medical, education, transport, social services) without suitable employment options then you see them potentially turn into slums

neither of these apply to this situation. it’s an office building in the heart of the CBD where the units will be rented out. If you don’t do something with these vacant buildings, that’s when you have problems with squatters and vandalism.

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I’m sure I have recently read about companies starting to do this in London or at least looking to do it.

Sharp as a tack is our Nigel

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He is as odious a cunt as Rupert Murdoch, but you can at least understand how the latter was able to cause so much damage. Money talks.

Nigel is entirely unremarkable and yet is responsible for incalculable carnage.


Nor is he what I would call clever but fair play to him it took him a few hours to figure out that Rishi had effectively placed NI back in the EU, or to be more accurate the single market.

Must have kept him awake all night that one.

It’s been a fun day watching the hard-line brexiteers slowly wake up to it and acting all tough as if they have a say.

Got to admit it’s wrong that he still gets so much airtime.

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I believe there might be several issues with regards to adapting these buildings, or at least that’s what I remember when I read about it…

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Overcoming my fear of being accused of following you around the forum, I’m intrigued to know if there’s anything wrong with that, or is it just a casual observation.

Anticipation Popcorn GIF