UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Is it me, but Rishi Sunak was jumping around like Zebedee from Magic Roundabout!

He has just effectively said that NI have the benefits of the EU single market and UK market, the same twerp who helped get the rest of the UK out of the EU. He has actually made a case for the rest of the UK to rejoin the EU.

Deirdre Heenan sums it up for me.


Shocking on so many levels.

From not understanding percentages, callous nature, to relying on newspaper articles (just glad it was the FT).


Nope , I said exactly the same thing earlier in the thread ;

ā€œI watched him making those comments this morning in NI. He was positively bouncing around with glee at what he had managed to pull off and that remark was borne out of his


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My issue with it is that these are essentially family homes and they are being occupied/bought by single people, and single older people at that. It seems to be a trend replicated across the country. We have a ā€˜housing crisisā€™, but the main driver to me seems to be that people live in the wrong houses and have increasingly extravagant expectations about their housing.

Under a Labour government, would all houses be allocated based on the number of people living in them? Thatā€™s a vote winner. Pretty sure they do that in North Korea.

We could extend it to cars too. You can only have a 7 seat car if you have 7 people in your family. Doesnā€™t matter if you occasionally give lifts, carry good, are a plasterer etc.

And sarcasm mode off, Iā€™m guessing this isnā€™t social housing so this isnā€™t affecting the so called housing crisis.

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Absolutely true when I was a kid.

Very useful information for those living in high rise flats, they just need to tend to their garden.


Strange character Lee Anderson. Former Labour councillor and from a mining family. Defected to the Conservatives after a little bit of controversy and now survives off pure in the sky beliefs like his latest quip below.

Moral of the story is never go full Tory

Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson claims it is a 'myth' people on Universal Credit are in poverty | Politics News | Sky News

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Classic, Python probably produced the most memorable scenes of any comedy group.

Heā€™s a condescending twat and a shameless liar. (I wonder what made him join the Tories ?)

What percentage of the population is that? Small? Tiny? Increasingly I suspect high rise is swanky expensive stuff so itā€™s not relevant to them.

Poor people in the past had more opportunities. But you vote Tory so you have pretend this isnā€™t the case.

4% of social renters lived in high rise in 2017-18

How can you quantify that?

Use google. Inequality was far lower back in the 70s.

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He is. Given his background Iā€™m surprised at what heā€™s saying. He apparently was a miner and volunteered for Citizens Advice. Hate to imagine the advice heā€™d give now.

He got some backlash for putting boulders across an access route to prevent travellers setting up camp. He was given a Community Protection Warning for it. (Source is Wiki) He defected a month later so it sort if looks like an almighty score to settle / shoulder chip. Not relevant but heā€™s very wealthy but I donā€™t know how that came to be.

No, there is nothing can be done about it. I just find it sad that we have single people buying family houses, and Iā€™m sure that is driving the incredible number of houses we are building.

Unless Iā€™m wrong, you have 2 kids and live with a lady? So thatā€™s 3 bedrooms used?

You see an issue here? Or is there a correct number of spare bedrooms?

Is there a shortage of 4 bed detached were you live? Iā€™m sure there are for social housing but then thereā€™s a shortage of Ferraris near me available on social motoring.

Barefaced liar who was caught fabricating an interview with a constituent, which should be a career ender.

You want to know the difference between Labour and the Tories? Lee Anderson. One party kicked him out. The other made him deputy chairman.

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