UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Plenty of stray cats and dogs too. If it gets really bad the rats and pigeons come on the menu.

I play Valheim ( with a friend and turnip is the best surival food when you are in deep waters in a poisonous swamp, surrounded by cretins and monsters who wants you dead :smiley: Pun very much intended.

With it you can make these delicious and hearty meals that will keep you going for, well, something like 20 min realtime:

This was my important political contribution of the day. Carry on everyone.

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Wtf is that second picture. You fear for humanity when you see youngsters like that.

Like a bunch of Boris Johnson’s.

not a fan of stray animals. but I live close to some rivers so I’m hoping to get into some fish.

My brother is giving me 40-50lb of frozen fish this weekend from his last fishing trip. cod, halibut and salmon. needs to empty a freezer.


i know its been a bit of a fun pile on, but shouldnt you not judge a book by its cover?..these guys might actually be good people…its not IMPOSSIBLE…for someone born into a form of privalige to be a good person.

just looking at a picture and having a bit of a discussion about which one you’d physically hurt first…ehhhh…

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that’s going to be a can of worms, hey

good shout…

set about about them all before they become Conservative MP’s!

The two older guys in the first pic deserve a pass as you describe to be fair. They could be out enjoying a pint and Anderson starts tugging a few heart strings with them.

The second picture though. That’s a Boris Johnson fan club right there. A crowd of kids where Daddy has lots of money and our destiny is manage the paupers of the UK (that dont exist, because Lee Says so)

That is a certified gaggle of cunts, no doubt about it.

Anyway, one on the left for me. Then bowtie, and on to curtains at the back.

The cunt in the middle would get the bolt gun.

Violates the bow tie triage rule.

Whoever poured that Guinness needs firing


A giant cricket bat should be enough to get them all in 1 swing

how do you know?

one of those ‘gaggle of cunts’ might be working on a cure for cancer or a car that runs on sewerage water or some such…

if a saw a picture of a couple of tracksuit wearing hood up eyes down youths would i be wrong in assuming they are all up to no good? would you call me out?

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actually, having just had another look at that picture… :see_no_evil:

What a snivelling, worthless, contemptful little shit of a man.

This still makes me laugh. Probably means nothing to anyone under 35, and not from the UK.

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Another good one


So, you’re going with bow-tie?

(Your original point was a valid one…Lee Anderson though…)

grinning idiot on the other side…once id made sure he wasnt halfway through inventing the sewerage propelled motorvehicle

A bunch of internet tough guy here …