UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Bottom picture…

Wheres the pigs head?

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Hoods up in a pub?


Sadly it doesn’t contain the traditional “Then I got hit by a bus”

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That’s actually footage of him isn’t it. Literally pointing his cock at her.

Interesting dynamics on this one


I scrolled past it at first. I thought it was with the original audio. Glad I went back to check it out. :joy::clap::+1::nerd_face:

Some good news on fuel finally. How long it will take the suppliers to pass it on is another matter.

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It will probably be a while - the quid pro quo of the price cap is that the intermediate suppliers will have a period of making themselves whole, having covered some periods where cost to supply exceeded revenue.

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Fuck me. Just boggles the mind. The lying c@@t needs to be given a cigarette and a wall.

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This might come as a surprise to people but civil servants work with politicians of all persuasion all the time to implement policy. If the politicians change, the civil servants don’t.

As far as I can see with this, Starmer is getting a very experienced former senior official to explain to his potential ministers how everything works. If and when Labour are in power they should be able to implement policy from day one without having to have everything explained to them in excrutiating detail.

This sounds like an inherently good idea. I can’t see how a future role can in any way influence anything that has happened in the past.


I mean if Stanley Johnson had had the forethought to wear a johnny 60 years ago it would have left everyone healthier and wealthier but a prison cell should do the job nicely.


@Noo_Noo Sorry, only made it to Morrisons, Asda and Sainsburrys. Send me your address and I’ll post you one.

Fake News !

… or at least that appears to be the mainstay of Johnson’s defence , apart of course from trying to discredit and smear the investigator.

Him and Trump have to be two of the most unfit people to have ever held high office.

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Boris makes Trump look like Churchill.

How many are you allowed to buy? I can’t say I’ve really noticed much shortages either but it’s widely reported across several supermarket chains so…

For the record it’s a climate issue rather than something stupid we may have done 7 years ago. Probably, possibly.

How many can you eat in a week? Aside from me offering to smuggle one to Wales, not sure there’s much of a black market for them.

By all account some shops are restricting numbers purchased. Hence the question.

True. I could only buy 5 cucumbers at Tesco today…gutted.

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No he doesn’t. For all the faults of Boris, he is categorically a better person and a better leader than Trump. Boris is selfish, ambitious and a clown, but he doesn’t nearly score as high on the cruelty meter nor the narcissist-megalomania meter.

My opinion. I would always prefer Boris to Trump…


Two cigarettes and a wall then