UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Shotgun funeral?

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Sorry no. He broadcast day after day, night after night messages that we must stay separate, must protect the NHS must do XYZ etc and had fucking parties at his house. Trump was not a patch on his utter twatishness.

If you tyhink that then you should see me in my dreams! :joy:

That’s not how it’s supposed to work now, is it?
Good ideas my …

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Those are straight euro cucumbers. I hope you bought some. :grinning:

I think you’re overlooking the bit where he tried to subvert democracy and incite an insurrection.


Not sure I’d rate either of them to be honest. Both should have never been anywhere near politics let alone the top job. They represent a good chunk of what is wrong with the world today. 2 people born with a over inflated sense of entitlement boosted by other influences that managed to con massive proportions of 2 separate populations

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Whilst the left were keenly encouraging rioting and looting.

Sue Gray…

The Tories are on the ropes. Fuck the optics.

Whataboutism … that isn’t even true.

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Absolutely whataboutism, guilty as charged. And yes it is.

Looks like he’s really pissed on his chips with his latest performance for the cameras.


Settling down while you explain this one please

Cartoon Popcorn GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

Dropping into the Politics thread…


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Hey…that’s not too far from the truth…ask my neighbours…benefits for 2…approx 45k…everytime the ‘help with electric’ payment appears, a new large screen tv appears…:face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Not sure how this one stacks up legally unless they provide an alternative route. Even if they did that I’m still not sure how that stacks up

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Wrong thread mate :laughing:

Russ documents disgraceful Tory behaviour for a living.

He is pretty fucking busy.

Not sure that is correct. The benefit cap for a couple is around £400 a week outside of London and £450 in London - which is about £21k to £23k a year?

Their circumstances may be such that the cap doesnt apply, but even then i’m not sure i see their benefits being double that of those who are capped.