UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

2 claimants in one house + council tax + travel allowance…oh don’t you worry…if there’s a benefit to claim…they’ve got it…

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They may not be a married couple Wilko, so are somehow claiming separately :man_shrugging:

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Carers allowance for each other…

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Given cucumbergate, you really want me to answer?

Yes but that’s just a one off, not a stereotype of claimants across the nation………

Again, i don’t see how this is pushing it anywhere close to £40k+

I’m not saying its everyone…but just pointing out that there are some households , who are ‘benefiting’ very well from the DWP…

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You’re pushing at an open door with me mate.

Fair doobys…your info…my info…just stated what they tell us…

You mean the infamous Cynllwyn Seisnig i wadu ciwcymbrau Cymru?

Crack on.

Don’t know how you can claim cucumbers as some sort of moral victory for yourself, especially after other performances from yourself but you know, keep believing.

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You said we couldn’t buy them. I proved you wrong.

Very simple.

And I’ll be honest, no idea where this niggle from you has come from.

Mate, I was just reporting what has been said all over the media. Nothing more.

Just because you’ve not seen it at home doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. Feel free to look it up and it doesn’t matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on either. It’s a climate issue combined with an energy cost issue.


I can’t speak for cucumbers. But we ran out of tomatoes round here.


Yeah. Went to my local Coop just before 4pm today. Pretty bare on the fruit and veg front but that might have been an end to the weekend thing.

It’s a problem. Poor crop returns in Europe and growers not looking at firing up the greenhouses because of energy costs.


Chicken scarce too?

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Dunno, no idea. I don’t eat meat so never look.


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Good one fair play.

The rancid stench of Tory elitism lingers. I’m still not ruling out this vile cunt running again, just because I know how politically brain dead the UK population is.