UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

A quick google:

An opinion piece from the uber conservative National Review does little to stand up your original statement.

I think you need to do a bit better than that.


The ‘help with electric’ payment is for every household regardless of working or on benefits. It’s also £67 per month. Could you do me a favour please? Ask your neighbours where they’re getting large screen TVs for £67, I wouldn’t mind picking a couple up. :+1::nerd_face:


Try again I’m afraid. As @peterroberts points out your source probably isn’t the best. It’s also an opinion piece.

More disturbing however is that you’re happy to quote a public response to the George Floyd “incident” as something the “left” is doing. That’s a disturbing piece designed to deflect focus away from the reality of that situation.

Then we have the January 6th riot which was pretty clearly driven by the other side of the spectrum.

I think you’ve got a bit more work to do to prove your point


No…the £67 is for people not on benefits…I think the first payment…September…was for £300…per claimant…you do the maths…and you’d be suprised what u can get for £600…and these neighbours don’t know when to keep quiet…they tell us what their doing with there 'money…when they have conversations outside and we’re sat on the patio…I think there’s a little bit of " keep up with the Jones’s"…so I like to wind em up every so often…Outside sauna for us next…(not a chance)…

Nothing left but hate.

As an aside, the BBC changed their headline from the more relevant opinion of the UNHCR that it violates international law, to feature Braverman’s opinion instead – why?


She’s legitimately lost it.

There are 100 million people displaced around the world, and likely billions more eager to come here if possible.

Kick her the feck out!

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It’s not that hard to sort out the asylum system.

Firstly we have acknowledge and be at peace that we do actually have an obligation internationally to accept our fair share of asylum seekers. Especially as we have been more that complicit in destabilising the countries many people are fleeing. We take far fewer asylum seekers that most other countries.

Secondly, we work with European Partners (it helps if you don’t see them as fucking enemies) to establish reasonable proportional numbers for each nation, and establish a pan European Refugee system. Obviously that’s a bit harder now than it was 7 years ago.

Thirdly, we establish legal pathways for people to seek asylum and routes for people to arrive safely. That sorts the ‘small boats’ issue over night. We then process those claim swiftly and allow people to remain, or deport if the case isn’t genuine.

The Tories have had thirteen years in government, and the only answer they have is to resort to hostile environment stuff that doesn’t work, and Nazi Rhetoric.

I’ve reached the conclusion that the Asylum system is working exactly how the Tories want it to. They want the bogeyman. They want people frightened and angry, and ready to blame the failing NHS, or housing, or education on the nasty immigrants we are being ‘swamped with’ rather than their own catastrophic mismanagement and profiteering. They want they asylum system broken because being fucking horrible to refugees is a vote winner. It’s all they have left at this point.


Because Boris’ chum is now DG ?


As I posted when Rishi took over. He’ll go low hanging fruit and that Labour lead will slowly dwindle. A little massaging of the figures (which will amazingly coincide with Spring kicking in) and the economy will be “seen” to be on the up. People will start spending again after Christmas, council budgets are re-set and there will be a shopping spree for Easter. Tick tick tick.

The rights and the wrongs of this are irrelevant politically speaking. His government is doing something pro-active about this issue. Vote winner pure and simple and fuck who it hurts because they don’t vote blue.

Expect phase 2 to be a budget hike for the asylum application service to speed up the deportation of all the foreigners. Another vote winner. Blatantly obvious that they haven’t done this in unison with the new law. Give it 2 weeks for this story to wind down. Notice the regularity and frequency of this government doing things? I’m in no way saying they’re good things BTW.

From Professor of Political Science, Rob Ford (Uni of Manchester):

One of the greatest advantages governments have is agenda-setting power. They can put the spotlight on popular ideas and vote-winning issues simply by talking about them. “Stop the boats” focuses public and media attention on a pledge that can’t be delivered, on an issue where 80% of voters disapprove of the government’s track record, and which 80% of voters don’t see as a priority. If the government sees this as the best possible use of its agenda-setting power, it is truly in deep trouble.


And the utter ignorance of the difference between a refugee and an immigrant remains ride across the reader’s of the Daily Mail and Express.

If ever you want a fast route to anger and depression look at the comments sections in those rags.

@Mascot is right. The government are using people running for their lives as a political stick. It’s sickening.

They’ll go for the lawyers next, when it gets challenged in the courts


Fair play to Gary Lineker for standing up to the fascist government, twitter trolls and his own bosses/gov puppets


12 months sentence and a pittance of a fine for killing somebody. OK.

Bloody ridiculous! Those things (and people who ride them on pavements) are an absolute menace!


Horrible incident.

Just reading that report and a whole host of issues and problems come into my mind over owning and using a scooter like that. The obvious extension is then cycling.

Proper minefield filled with rabbit holes.

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They’re so fucked and I cannot wait!


This isn’t murder but manslaughter. A tragic accident by a careless youth. It is unfathomable to me that you would want him to serve several years in prison. What good would that do ? Would it ressurect her ? The boy obviously needs a harsh reprimand and very real consequences but it seems that is the case here. He must now live with having slain an elderly lady by his carelessness and the article mentions several other consequences.
I don’t understand the knee-jerk to imprison him for many years. Seems counter productive unless the goal is to create criminals (prisons in most countries are not the best place for youth to improve their lives).


Didn’t say it was murder.

Regards the sentence, it’s very simple. Get it out all over the country on every media channel that the repercussions of acts like this are severe. Might make a few think twice. I know a guy who was racing on a dual carriageway, lost it and killed somebody. Got 6 years and rightly so.

It’s like me idea of solving the cancer of litter and burglary. You wouldn’t like those either.

Regarding your last line, I’m not a sandal wearing, flowery skirt obsessed vegan social worker who wants to look for any excuse for social problems and remove all blame and consequence for the perpetrator. I want stick, lots of it. The carrot doesn’t work. I’ll bet there are studies that disprove this but then every other person in this country owns a sheep.

Agreed. What’s also notable is this is, yet again, straight from the Australian conservative playbook of John Howard under the guidance of Lynton Crosby and Mark Textor