UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Oi, there’s only room for one of those on here.

Putting the punishment to one side for a moment, I’m more drawn to the fact that

A) these scooters are available to buy and give to children
B) they are seen as toys
C)then there’s the whole issue of scooters, bikes etc on pavements Vs the road.

It’s a complete mess before you even get to the specifics of this case.


Ahem, you know what phrase is coming because I doubt the child in question bought his own scooter. Mate of mine has one and we happen to have access to a private estate. It’s stupidly fast and then he told me it was in gifford slow mode for me :open_mouth:

To rent one legally on the road you need a driving license and I think need to be over 18. The retail ones are flat out illegal for use out and about.

Some how I have come to suspect that if you punished yourself as harshly as you are in favour of punishing others, even minors, you would be writing from from a self-exile on St.Helena by now. I doubt you are a sandal wearing flowery-skirt saint who never did nothing wrong, even unwittingly, particularly when younger and less mature in the head :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
I find the last paragraph of your post pretty pariodichal :sweat_smile: I have butchered animals, I have eaten a fairly large number of kilos of whale meat and I am not a pacifist myself. But there is no point to cruelty. Nothing good comes of it and I would rather see people lead good lives. And yes, you are right, there are a lot of studies showing that carrots (actually treating people humanely ) works very well. The stick works too, but not in all cases and there are degrees to how much stick is effective (and ethical).Usually a combination of stick and carrot will be the msot effective.


What about if you stick the carrot up their arse? Do studies show this is even more effective? :wink:

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Sure. Are they illegal? Clearly easy to buy.

Like I said, it’s a mess.

You do realise who you are replying to, right?

It’s almost as if he’s been built to be the perfect caricature of everything I hate about modern “conservatism”, and its intellectual vacuity. Facts don’t matter, studies don’t matter. All that matters is the modern “conservative’s” feelings and their anecdotes chosen carefully to confirm their precious little snowflake worldviews. Petty point-scoring instead of actually thinking about what needs to be done to solve the real problems that we face.


…or he is a wanton wind-up merchant which is probably more likely.


Nope, the real problems are easy to solve. People just don’t like the solutions.

And I do so love being spoken about in the third person. At least have the balls to address me directly.

Yep, 15 years plus on these forums and I’m a WUM :joy::joy::joy:

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In your little dream world maybe.

Pretty sure I addressed you directly in the part where you were relevant. The world does not revolve around you. Also, thanks for the casual sexism thrown in.

You were only important up to the point where you embody my pet peeve about modern “conservatives”. In fact, many of my criticisms also apply to the “socialists” out there, especially the many I’ve met who only care about the socialism part insofar as it involves taking from others, but never about the giving to others.


Saying somebody has or lacks balls is only sexist if you really are the dampest of snowflakes. It’s a turn of phrase used to define a person’s courage and not their sexuality. Surprised I have to explain this to somebody who appears to have sufficient intelligence to post on a forum.

I’m not a modern conservative. I’m victorian.

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hmmm … I’m not sure I’m quite getting this obsession with flowery skirts.

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Only a once and while thing… Honest

Ummmmm :grimacing:

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That rather turns history on it’s head. The asylum laws that she is trying to overturn were in a direct response to the holocaust and particularly the policies of countries like the UK and US that deliberately tried to stop Jewish refugees from escaping.

My father always seemed very proud of the UK having taken in Ugandan-Asian refugees and later re-homing Vietnamese boat people in the 1970s. At the time I just assumed that he thought this was a nice thing to do but it was years later that my aunt pointed out that they could remember the UK stopping Jewish refugees in the 1930s and later discovering about the millions of them who had been murdered as a result. My father’s support for the policy in the 1970s was largely because the national guilt that they felt from the country’s behaviour in the 1930s.


Thanks for the context. It’s an area I’m really uncomfortable speaking about as I’m really not that knowledgeable about it. But when I see Braverman and colleagues doubling down on what is essentially a tragedy in the channel then I can only really grimace at it. The support they get us equally worrying.

Still, I expect a legal challenge to their proposal and yet more delay to anything worthwhile actually happening.


The Jews were murdered as a result of Hitler’s actions, not ours. You’ll remember we had rather a considerable argument about it.

Ultimately, never, ever use the holocaust to make a point. It’s the worst thing in human history. Nothing compares to it and I very much hope it never does.

Plus we never handed over Jews to be murdered unlike other european countries. I have spent the last few weeks in Paris at my daughters. There are several memorials to the jews that the french handed over. I noticed another one the other day on the wall of a school whose jewish pupils were sent from Paris to their deaths.