UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I think that went way over my head. I was talking about a single, very prominent, very orange, not quite as much of a man he thinks he is, person.


Sorry, you mean Trump, didnā€™t you? I spent too long living in Glasgow - tends to raise the hackles if I think people are bringing religious bigotry into things.


Yes, they were absolutely comlicit in deportations. It was the same story in all conquered countries really apart from a very few select exceptions. I would however note that German occupation and the freedom a given occupied country was given, differed. The Danish for instance had a very easy occupation and were even able to protect a lot of jews, since they capitulated under different conditions than many other countries.
But if Britain had been conquered like for instance France, and a Quisling regime had come into force, what about the Jews of Britain then? In collaboranist regimes one of the strictest rules the Germans demanded it enforced was to cooperate with the Reich in regards to racial hygene and particularly Jews. This was true everywhere. And that was my point. If Britain was defeated like France, its Jewry could have been decimated too, for in all countries under occupation you will find collaboranists and people interested in working for the enemy after capitulation. Sometimes working for the enemy is even a necessity to be able to live and work in a life resembling normalicy.


As seemingly everything else does. Are you a pygmy?

Any chance of getting back to Braverman, opinions on whether her policy is right, wrong etc?

My view is this is a cruel policy against people that need help, designed for reasons (take your pick, mine is to win votes) and at their expense.

The right solution is and always is to basically follow international law. Law we signed up to. Why arenā€™t we doing that?

You nailed that when you started this rubbish.

Votes. The government have an opinion that illegal immigration is right at the top of public concern. Iā€™m not so sure myself although there will be a vocal minority who are. Thereā€™s an idea that everybody who voted for brexit did so to stop immigration. Well, I disprove that fallacy. Iā€™m sure some did. Possibly Rishiā€™s puppet masters have told him do do this. Possibly he thinks itā€™s right. Most likely nice juicy low hanging fruit. There will be complaints and the UN will get involved. The law will stay but get watered down.

People will remember they brought in a law to stop the boats.

Tomorrowā€™s chip papers.

This photoā€¦ I meanā€¦it looks as if she has horns, right? :imp:

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I just saw the same before i read your comment :rofl:

I agree on votes but Iā€™d say theyā€™re going after easy wins or low hanging fruit.

Change the law? Doubt it, just depends whether the international community holds the UK to account for it. I donā€™t know the mechanisms on how that works. Thatā€™s of course based on the assumption itā€™s illegal. Again itā€™s my uneducated view that it is.

Meanwhile the suffering continues. That alone is sickening

I was like, ā€˜Shiteā€¦something has happenedā€¦this thread has exploded.ā€™

Not surprised to see the Holocaust has come up.

Good on the Tories for leading the public discourse towards the noble topics.

I believe it was Gary L who brought this up. Certainly not me.


But we shouldnā€™t forget that the poverty the allies pushed Germany into as a result of the Treaty of Versailles was the biggest factor in allowing Fascism to sweep across the country.

Push people into abject poverty and give them an ā€˜otherā€™ to demonise, and this is what you get. Itā€™s a shame people are so ignorant of our own history.


In fact Britain (Lloyd George) lobbied for less harsh reparations from Germany. It was the USA and especially the French who wanted to humiliate them.

By the way, my recent posts may make me sound anti french but in fact I have two French grandchildren so I most definitely am not. My latest one is just two days old. La belle Josephine.


The BBC shit their pants again.


Thatā€™s bollocks and you should know it. My parents have 3 French grandchildren and 1 great grandchild and are extremely anti French. Yet they will often say similar to you and also use it to point to greater knowledge on ā€˜Frenchā€™ issues whilst not listening to a word of what the French ā€˜halfā€™ of the familly have to say.
Just to say Iā€™m not convinced by your utterings.

Caving in to bigots is the phrase Iā€™d go for. My brother-in-law is a naturalist and they have been on the receiving end of both far-right and far-left nutterage for what is actually completely neutral science. Iā€™m sure I can hear him raging all the way from Oxford right now.


Never be forgotten, yes. The 2nd part though, should be learning to ensure it never happens again.


Just to reiterate I am not anti french. Which part of the french wanted tougher reparations at Versailles is francophobe? I can fully understand why they did but it proved disasterous.

Pointing out the truth is not zenophobic


Congratulations. :+1::nerd_face: