UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

BBC further demonstrating they are nothing more than the Tory lapdog. Probably started around about the time Boris got into bed with the BBC chairman.

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In this instance yes. In a billion instances of far left woke nonsense, not so much. And that might be an under-estimation. By a factor of 13.6

As well as this term being totally misunderstood and misused by the MAGA crowd stateside , I really donā€™t understand how it translates at all in UK politics. Maybe Iā€™m missing something. :thinking:

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Oh look, thereā€™s one of those most stupid posts Iā€™ve ever seen on this forum again.

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Did I miss the moment when I ran over your dog?

Itā€™s not misunderstood here. Being aware of inequality is sensible and striving for equality is admirable. But turning it up to 278 with a rainbow turbo charger is where it goes woke.

Woke has nothing to do with LGBT issues.

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Canā€™t agree there. LGBTetc issues are currently being crammed into every possible corner of broadcast media. The BBCā€™s dream current star is a one legged black trans lesbian whoā€™s body positive. Got to tick those boxes.

You can disagree. Then look at the bbc website.

Maybe so , but itā€™s still nothing to do with being woke in the true sense of the expression. i.e. racial inequality and discrimination. The term has been misappropriated , on both sides of the Atlantic now , by the right and used as a cudgel against just about anything they consider ā€˜progressiveā€™ (for want of a better word).

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Canā€™t wait to see the reactions of all those right-wing talking heads, I wonder whether theyā€™ll stand up to this flagrant trampling of free speech?


No your cool, sheā€™s here

Again however I think youā€™ve got your work cut out to explain how the BBC is wokey left (whatever that means) while you also explain why the chairman has been giving financial advice and assisting with loans to Boris Johnson.


Iā€™ve just looked at their homepage.

2/68 of the articles on there appear to be about LGBT issues.

And one of those two is about a load of right wingers turning up to protest against a drag event that didnā€™t exist.


OK, thatā€™s maybe a little OTT. I should have said that the BBC bend over backwards to encourage diversity and inclusion.

I only realised that last month was LGBT awareness month when I searched as to why the BBC had a dedicated front page section.

the Church and residential schools/first nations story has been buried here in Canada. fucking tragedy across the entire country, and the policies were enforced by the RCMP.



How to build a monstrously large platform for the opinions you didnā€™t want anyone to noticeā€¦

