UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

One advantage is that Johnson actually tended not to appoint the most capable to the top ministerial positions. Tall poppy syndrome.

In that regard we ought to hope his successor isn’t one of them.


I am so glad that f***king serial womanising, lazy, incompetent, lying, corrupt, national security threat, narcissist is gone.

What is worse, there isn’t one respectable person in that cabal who is competent enough to take over as a decent PM.


But the parties have to stand for something otherwise you don’t know what you’re voting for. You can’t just have a politician who says I might do this or I might do that depending on how I feel.

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whoever is in charge will fuck it up. if they do well then they stay too long and if they are incapable/incompetent they appoint inompetent people alongside them - and they take years to oust their incompetent boss.

it’s a rinse and repeat world. that’s politics.


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Yes but what do you really think?

Absolutely and with the long history of both the main parties in the UK, I can definitely agree that alot of their candidates would align themselves with what the party policies etc. But what I was trying to say is that for the good of the country, is that to look at each candidate for his or her merits and not that the first thing is “Oh…a Tory, he/she is definitely heartless towards the poor…Oh Labour, he/she must be blah blah blah…” Not sure whether I am clear what I was trying to put across.

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The conservatives have won considerably more elections than Labour, so one can imagine the pool of voters they can win back is easier than it would be for Labour.

I don’t think that’s a character flaw in and of itself, people can have different lifestyles. It’s the way in which he does it which already implies his lack of integrity that’s the problem.

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He’s faithful to nothing but himself.

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It goes back to what the different parties fundamentally define themselves as. It is therefore assumed that different people who associate themselves with the different parties would espouse particular values.

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Yes, but that’s the point I was trying to make. One can be a serial womaniser but treat each woman with respect and integrity.

He doesn’t.

Assumed unfairly, imo. They’re prejudices which are hard to shake, however.

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i ws thinking about blackadder when i said that. not esther rantzen :joy:

Another problem with British politics, is that the voters elect them, but they get to fuck around with the system, like when an MP defects to another party, the people who voted them in have every right to be annoyed.

Not saying on the scale of things this is comparable in many ways, but regardless of what we think in the here and now, Johnson to a lot of people was the reason he had a huge majority because they wanted what he offered in regards to unshackling from the EU.

But the point is , he has stood down and thankfully it’s done, but it should not be down to the MPs that stood alongside and knew parties were happening and said nothing to decide who now leads.

This government has failed in its duty to run this country in the way ( all sarcasm aside) every person would hope it would be run, and now the bunch of them who disappointed the British public get to elect another from within the same crowd .

Sorry but if you displace a prime minister, then the only option on the table should be a general election has to follow

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Actually I know there are smaller parties around but I do not know what they stand for…but I would suppose any aspiring politician would most likely have to choose between Labour or Tory right most of the time…and probably they are going to choose the one that either can help them the most money or hopefully there are some who will choose the party that aligns with most of what he/she believes not necessarily every single thing. Again I might be idealistic is that right now any candidate from Tory is going to be met with “Oh another Tory who is this or that…” and not “Ok…what has he said, what has he done?” that kind of conversation…Of course in the end people might be right that the candidate is just an arsehole but surely we have to keep striving to believe against all hope that one good politician can come out from either the Tory or Labour one day until he/she proves otherwise and not be “guilty” simply because of the party he/she comes from.

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You think there would be that many? :astonished:

Plus what country are we getting them from?

Ok I think I have too much of heavy posts today here, I am going to the borderline joke thread now.

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