UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Might not help with the ‘out of touch’ image though.

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He’s another with the first name populist appeal though. Dishy Rishi and all that crap.

I used to rate him, not any more though. But I’m not exactly representative.

Still don’t think Johnson is going to allow power to passed away from him this easily.


The simplest answer is that it costs them less to do so since you’re likely to be able to put up far less resistance than the tax evaders.

Yep I think it’s a little delusional to think he won’t lie about this when we know his character. If he had announced that he was leaving with immediate effect it would be different but he was deliberately being vague on the timescales which tells the world he’s playing for time until the media are back on his side. The unflushable turd.



100%. Playing for time right now, nothing else. They’ll have to drag him kicking and screaming out of No. 10.

I’d love it if bailiffs were called in. Remember he hung on for 3 months in the house after his foreign secretary stint. Or was it London mayor?

Might have been both!

I’m wondering if Starmer will actually follow through on his threat of tabling a motion of no-confidence. Not sure what the pros/cons are for Labour doing that.

Hmm not sure either. Perhaps it allows him to get a early blows in with regard to the next PM possibly being one of those that stood by Johnson until the last moment when they smelt an opportunity for themselves.

The ‘issue’ with Tugendhat from what I can see is that he is very pro-remain and has dual french citizenship; for a lot of Conservatives the potential (realistic or not) for him to move the UK closer back to Europe politically may be too much of a concern for many to back him as the new leader.


Ben Wallace ruling himself out, citing the need for him to concentrate on his current responsibilities as Secretary of Defence, immediately makes him the most suitable Conservative MP to be leader.


Just wondering if people think more will come from Johnson’s admission that he met with a “former” KGB agent when he was foreign secretary? It hardly seems to have registered.

I agree I just don’t see conservatives voting in a pro remain candidate. I really don’t know who that leaves us with.


Lovely chappy from lovely Milton Keynes! :crazy_face:

I see the confusion has been cleared up and I can not keep calling him the Barking mad one. :sob:

The Tory voters I know would be happy with Sunak as tax dodging proves he’s clever. Even if he did get caught, in a way.

Zahawi and Shapps now running?

Just waiting for Grayling to announce he’s running too…

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I’m sure that the Mail and Express will be quick to mention the fact that Fishy Rishi’s swimming pool costs more to heat per year than someone on benefits would earn.

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