UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

There are these basic obligations though; as set out in the various Landlord & Tenants Acts, Housing Acts, Rent Acts etc.

The Leasehold Reform (Ground Rents) Act also comes into effect at the end of this month and will be followed by the Renters Reform Bill

The rental situation has definitely (incrementally) improved for tenants over the last 35 years or so.


Damn, I was just telling my parents to move there in 2016, but they refused the opportunity toā€¦

So Boris wants to create a Netflix style NHS. Seems to working as getting all your medical services via Amazon or Google looks like the most appropriate way to get medical assistance nowā€¦

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welcome to Vancouver. Asian money laundering at itā€™s finest. Evergrande started to tank, so they dump their money into a lucrative real estate market and watch the prices climb. my house was purschased for $500k CAD in 2015. now worth $1.4m (apparentlyā€¦because Iā€™m not selling)

fucking rediculous. hereā€™s a good example. house is empty, itā€™s an investment property someone is trying to make a profit on.

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Thatā€™s a dark laugh, by the way.

If you donā€™t laugh, youā€™ll fecking cry.

Just saw a prediction that there will he a collapse in the NHS this August. There will he approximately a third of current staff levels missing / off work. This is current staff levels where 8 out of 10 nurses said that in their last shift there were insufficient numbers to care of patients properly. A&E waiting time in Devon hit 15 hours.

This government over the last 12 years is killing people. Simple as. And all to chase a political ideology resulting from greed.


Itā€™s the plan. Have people begging for a privatised service.

Bloody hell I knew that in Devon they had been cutting back, closing A&E and whole hospitals (Iā€™m from Newton Abbot and they closed the hospital there in the '80s a town of 40k if you include neighbouring Kingsteignton FFS madness they all have to go to Torbay now where thereā€™s no parking) I mean I go mad waiting 4 hours but at least I can go to the local hospital even if the reception doesnā€™t know the difference between a little toe and an ankle (hope this isnā€™t the case in Devon).
I actually get told off if I go to the nearest big towns A&E even if my accident takes place there.


My elderly mum had a nasty little fall a few weeks back. Gaping wound in the back of her head which really needed stitching quick. The ambulance guy put a makeshift turban thing on it and said that were he to take her to the local A&E , she would be kept waiting a minimum of twelve hours. He proceeded to ring around all the cottage hospitals in the area and luckily found one who would do the job. She had to arrange her own transport to take her 20 miles but at least she was seen to immediately. She has also been unable to even get on a waiting list for a dentist and has given up trying. I remember a time when we were rightly proud of the NHS , but Iā€™m struggling to see how anyone could find anything much of value in the shambles that it appears to be now.

Hope your mum is okay now. :+1:

As has been said already in this thread, itā€™s the tried and tested Tory tactic of ruining a public service and then privatising it. Their crowing about record spending means nothing when it all goes to their mates who (donā€™t) provide PPE or run expensive consultancy firms; little of the promised money actually reaches the front line.

I know several people who work in the NHS and they all say the same thing: itā€™s deliberately being run into the ground.


Sheā€™s fine now , thanks.


These cunts are worst than Thatcher, at least she said she was going to fuck you over.
I mean back when I lived in Newton Abbot she (well her policies) closed the A&E but the hospital remained however another hospital (canā€™t remember what it was for was taken over by middle management who destroyed the NHS btw you couldnā€™t wipe your fucking arse without these fuckwits doing some audit or other. Cut doctors for a fuckwit number cruncher.
Anyway now the old hospital in Newton Abbot still has a use, I think, as the industrial laundry unit for Torbay.
Torbay hospital is a fucking shit hole, my Dad goes there for his pace maker where they wouldnā€™t let him sit in a wheel chair after a fall because there wasnā€™t space in the corridor. FFS use a room as a waiting room.
Torbay is so bad everyone hopes to be sent to Exeter, at least the doctors are half decent there.
Anyway not my concern except that my parents still live there miles away but thatā€™s the hospital they ā€˜haveā€™ to go to. At least here in France my mayor, a nasty Le Pen aligned man, fought tooth and nail to keep our local hospital. Heā€™s actually the president of it due to the compromise he got.


The life and lies of Boris Johnson - YouTube

Frightening that this guy is still in power

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It was a damn sight more frightening that he got into any position of power.
How the fuck did it happen?



If something is that appalling the reason is usually Tories.


Heā€™s the neverending Tory

Sad Koala GIF

The Tories are thinking about having their conference in Liverpool :grin: very ambitious that.

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