UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Very intriguing…

I think we have Dominic Cummings and his Brexit lies to thank for that.

Milkshake sales will go through the roof

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That’s a really clumsy headline. It makes it sound as if the EU have agreed to his plans. What they mean is that his plans are intended to break with what he has already agreed.

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This doesn’t sit entirely comfortably with me.

The judge found that what Cadwalladr claimed about Banks was untrue.

She also found that this untrue claim damaged Banks’ reputation.

But Cadwalladr had a defence on the basis that reporting on potential foreign interference in elections is in the public interest.

It seems to me though that a journalist should still ensure that their claims are true.

Cadwalladr, who’s pretty much a conspiracy theorist that gets lucky every so often, has got lucky here. Not sure an appeal court endorses this judgment.

What do you base that slur on ?

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Her publishing history.

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You have something particular in mind ?

Well, there were her false claims against Darren Grimes, her false claims against Cambridge Analytica, her false claims against Leave.EU, her false claims against Arron Banks, and her false claims about government COVID briefings…

There are probably many more.

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Did somebody predict that the UK political landscape would move left after Brexit? :eyes:

[quote=“Kopstar, post:137, topic:2840”]
her false claims against Cambridge Analytica …which led to the closure of the company and made her a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize.

her false claims against Leave … who have been investigated and fined multiple times for their actions, including issues relating to electoral spending, data protection and libel.

her false claims against Arron Banks … which resulted in her court victory today.

And she is the conspiracy theorist here ?!

You haven’t read any of the judgments, have you?

Oh dear.

embarrassing parks and recreation GIF