UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Tugendhat? He wasn’t SAS though

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Why do you think that?

First, there was a cap so people like @Dane couldnt get it because they fell outside it. Secondly as you point out newly self employed also didnt qualify. I can’t off the top of my head remember what the other shortfalls in the policy where.

In regards to the furlough scheme it was designed to minimise the disruption as the economy closed and then re-opened, and prevent ‘scarring’. We went into another lockdown shortly after the furlow ended. There was no need to end it when they did, that was purely a political not economic or social heath decision.

As it turned out the subsequent fall in employment wasnt as significant as had been feared but that was never a foregone conclusion and it can bexargued that some of the staffing issues we have seen are partially a result of the scheme ending when it did…

Then as already mentioned is the decision not to increase statutory sickpay to reduce the risk of people going into work when they know they were infected - but that is obviously a different point to the one you were discussing.

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I think the economic support in the UK and the speed of its rollout was far better than many other countries such as Australia.

But no-one should be ignoring the fact that Sunak implemented an economic policy that encouraged social mixing at a time where everyone bothering to pay attention was saying its far too early. He killed thousands with that choice. But then we are talking about the government that would rather ‘let the bodies pile high’ than do the right thing so its expected.


The standouts for me on Sunak are

A) he was fined for lockdown breaches.

B) he stood by Johnson until that very moment he felt he could personally benefit.

C) the tax issue we’ve discussed already, and

D) he was an utterly useless Chancellor. He did very little that was unique but delivered everything late. His level of inaction on energy bills, fuel duty, vat etc. is telling I think. He is completely disconnected from the needs of society.

All of that doesn’t fill me with any confidence in a potential PM.


I think he has used his position as chancellor in regards to the inaction part on the energy bills to deliberately cause a crisis that he could have acted on way earlier, if it’s true he registered read4rishi domain in December , then it would suggest he sat on making decisions that could have eased a lot of people’s worries by acting sooner.

Sorry but it’s a sham, also given the fact most economists are full of dire warning about where we are heading in regards to the worst recession in living memory ( since the last one :joy:) is it not possible for a unity cross party government to work with each other across party lines instead of just shouting hear hear like a bunch of pricks and actually try acting grown up to minimise the fall out to the economy?

Or is that just not realistic ?

I don’t want Sunak but it sounds like he may actually be more moderate wrt unaffordable tax cuts that other candidates are proposing and he may, only may, (hence why I’m unsure) be less rabid than many of the others - especially the like of Truss, Badenock, Braverman or Zahawi. I think Jeremy cunt or Penny Morship alongside Sunak are proabably the three least worst choices. Which is really saying something…

Hopefully there will be a GE soon and we’ll get a new coalition govt and proportional representation will finally be achieved. Unlikely sure but may as well try and be positive…

Fair points. I don’t trust Sunak at all. Why would someone as wealthy as him even bother working a stressful job for £150k a year, unless it’s to make himself and his aristocrat mates even wealthier.
But, yes, the rest seem like total nut jobs also.

I’m genuinely worried that we’re going to replace a clown with someone even worse.

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It’s fucking crazy when you think back to that. We were all locked down seeing no one, then have a 4 week free-for-all, then get locked down again. It felt wrong at the time but people were desperate to see others and to ‘help’ local business

Did he not also claim non-domiciled status, or am I mis-remembering?

Yet worse than many in the big bad EU…

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Yes. One party is being actively dishonest and has completely no relationship to facts and truth unless it’s pissing all over those. Notice that they also tend to comprise people who are more insulated from said fall out.

I note Starmer is wearing a skirt and winking coquettishly.

I seem to remember that takeaways and deliveries were explicitly ineligible for this for some inexplicable reason. Instead of moving the economy towards the new normal and optimising for it, the Conservatives, true to their name, are trying to keep everyone in the past.

Is he also crossing and uncrossing his legs strategically?

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Good line, now the shackles are thrown off he can say what he thinks and forget about following the rules.

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I’m quietly thinking the same. Right at this point it just seems impossible that anyone could be worse, but then looking at the proposals of each candidate (Badenoch’s proposals :flushed:) and it gets me a little scared.

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Lis Truss being endorsed by both Rees Mogg and Dorries is a huge red flag.


Lost total control

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