UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Polls suggesting that Mordaunt might be breaking from the pack as a clear choice - I know next to nothing about her. is she nuts, a walking gaffe? If not, why is she running?

Her campaign video is a cracker, don’t miss it.

Interestingly on the ‘The Rest is Politics’ podcast Alastair Campbell pointed out that the early favourites in these races tend not to win. Unfortunately, Johnson was an exception.


Oooh, first good sign, when I started typing it in Google, by the time I got to ‘PENN’ the first offered option was ‘Penny Mordaunt video’.

But I ended up being somewhat disappointed. By the standards of the batshit crazy campaign ads that flow across our southern border, that just came off as a bit pompous. Mostly left trying to place that voice actor.


Although Rory Stewart seemed to pick Mordaunt out as one who isn’t completely batshit crazy.

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Bit of an odd one. Openly lied about Turkey’s ability to join the EU during the brexit campaign, so has some appeal to the more extreme elements of the brexit camp. However, as the campaign gets underway she seems to be falling foul of telling more porkies.

Someone may be briefing against her already…

There have been a number of demands to remove elements from her campaign video that she has used without permission (the music, one of the athletes who appeared in it etc…). Her campaign motif also belongs to another organisation that wants her to stop using it

For some reason Zahawi’s campaign website links to hers instead…

Wants to give MPs money to spend in their constituencies rather than the Local Authorities?

She certainly isn’t the worst candidate or the nuttiest, but I’m not sure what we would get

Woman - tick
Military background sort of - tick
Not foreign looking - tick
Non non dom - tick
Nobody’s heard of her so she can’t be blamed for the shitshow - tick

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I suspect poor name recognition but clear identification with the Conservative Party is in fact perfect for the current circumstances.

Aren’t new elections on the cards in such a case? I dunno what the Tories’ popularity level currently is, but it has surely plummeted since some time?

Looks like Tugendhat isn’t going to make it through more than a couple more rounds…

Mordaunt v. Sunak the most likely outcome?

Looking like Sunak will be our next PM.

Not really. The government has a sizeable majority, so isn’t forced to call a general election. If things go pear shaped under a new PM, they can call another leadership contest instead of a General Election. They will only call a GE if they are obliged to (i.e the 5 years of government is up) or they want to get a new mandate - but to do the latter they would have to have some reason to believe that they favourable chances of winning the election.

Polling currently has Conservatives about 14 pts behind Labour, which is massive. That might close quickly without Boris as PM, but the longer it takes, the harder it is to see a GE being called early.

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I would expect Labour to push really hard for a General Election in the Autumn, similar to how the Tories did for Gordon Brown, in the basis that a new PM should go to the country at the earliest opportunity.

If the new leader refuses to call an election, as Brown did, you then have a narrative of him or her being a coward and not trusting the people.

As an aside, I think it would also be wise for a new Tory leader to seek a mandate before the shit really hits the fan with cost of living in the winter.


Yes but the media barons will kick into play and tell the sheep who to vote for. They’ll blame Boris for everything, talk about armies of refugees invading, rediscover antisemitism in Labour…and we’ll be left with 5 years of Liz fucking Truss

saw this on Twitter just now. this exemplifies how messed the American media are.

I guess this is one of those pictures you’ll never wanted to see. And it will probably now remembered forever.

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welcome back!


Hunt and Zahawi are out of the race.

How can anyone talk about Johnson ‘taking on the elite’ with a straight face?

That was mind boggling!

this is Fox News. I cannot even watch TV anymore in America, it’s so fucking biased.