UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Awful lineup politically. Though must admit it’s diverse by gender and ethnicity. When you consider Labour have only ever had white men as leaders

Goes to show that gender and diversity of the leader is such a red herring. You know that those BAME women would brutally disadvantage other BAME women with their terrible policies.


More like freedom to lie

Sorry have I missed something?


I see you use the word ‘probably’ because it is not factual. Was the whole Coronavirus situation handled well? Not really. But we were not the only country that got certain decisions wrong.
I ask this question and to be honest do not expect an answer, why because it didn’t happen but can you honestly say that Labour would of handled things better?

doing Ice-T proud right there. I can hear him say it

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I love Ice-T and Body Count

Subjective at best, I understand that Osbourne changed it from 20 to 15 years which is what is actually in place.
Sorry but i still don’t get it. Even, if he was aware of his wife claiming non-dom, was it illegal? Obviously not as he wouldn’t be in the running for PM and additionally I am sure Starmer (with his legal back ground) would be more vociferous with this? Wouldn’t you agree?

Again, like a broken record I state that I am not happy with people/institutions avoiding paying Tax through loopholes. Would I be happy if these loopholes were closed? Yes! So can you explain to me why no government - Labour/Cons - have closed these loopholes?

You tell me.

Astonishingly, Fox News actually uses a loop hole - many of their shows, including Carlson’s, are not regulated as a news network because they do not consider themselves to be a news network. They characterize most of their news division as ‘entertainment and opinion’. No claim to fact.


I disagree to a certain extent and my point actually is a negative on how the government handled its support for self employed, etc.
I was classed as a key worker during the lockdown as I was a Site Manager, over seeing a major refurb on a Hospital so I worked straight through it, weekends and all. What benefit did I get apart from increasing my exposure to Covid?
Yet, I had contractors (self employed) maybe losing out on one weeks work but still getting grants of £5k plus and not just once. One of the lads brought his wife a Gucci bag worth over £1k, the lads were mocking, calling it free money.
Furlough was ended to soon? People were getting Furloughed and then working elsewhere. So double whammy for them - I accept it was not everyone.
Its ironic because Mascot and yourself both bring up the Eat out to Help out campaign as being wrong, yet you had the whole sector crying out for support and almost the whole country wanting to go out. Would Labour of acted any differently?
I accept that the Government didn’t get every decision right, but for anyone to suggest that any other party would of handled the Coronavirus situation is delusional.

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Careful, Stewart Lee made the same joke with his name and he wrote an article calling Lee an anti-Semite.

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That’s irrelevant. The point here is that the Conservatives, who have been in power for 12+ years were aware of it, looked at it, had a nibble and then Sunak, who happened to have a wife that deliberately benefitted from that loophole decided to do nothing more about it. It was his department, on his watch.

As he himself was a green card holder and decided to rescind that when his political career moved forward while his wife didn’t is a pretty clear indication that they were aware and playing the system.

Is it illegal? Apparently not but the optics stink and raised questions on the suitability of a person to be in public office. Fundamentally it is yet again about trust and we potentially have a multi millionaire PM who broke the law during lockdown and was scamming the system he managed.


Again, here’s the point. They are claiming huge successes for things that any government would have done or are incomplete or in reality a huge mess.

For example. Covid a success? 180000 dead. Yeah they did well there.


Would be interesting to know if those having a go at the government for their eat out to help out actually ate out to help out at any time .

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Yes. You clearly didn’t read the post in which I answered your question.

I wasn’t in the country. So not me.

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180,000 people dead. How quickly we trivialise such things.

I am certain that if Labour had been in power, 180,000 people wouldn’t have died. I’m absolutely sure about it.

Here are a couple of things Labour wouldn’t have done.

~ They wouldn’t have sent people with Coronavirus back to care homes, and allowed the virus to tear through the nations most vulnerable elderly people.

~ They wouldn’t have seen the virus as a glorious opportunity to funnel bucketloads of public money to their friends and family, making an absolute mess of things like PPE procurement, testing and tracing.

~ Neither Keir Starmer or Jeremy Corbyn would have squandered the two week head start we had on Europe like Johnson did, missing five Cobra meetings, essentially because he was away patching up his relationship after yet another sordid affair.

~ Labour would have listened to the science early on, rather than ignore it it favour of a crackpot herd immunity idea.

~ Labour wouldn’t have catastrophically collapsed public faith in government by putting out mixed messages and breaking their own rules.

On the other hand, I’m sure if Labour had tried to introduce the Furlough scheme, the Tory party and the Tory press would have been absolutely incandescent with this kind of back door socialism. So I suppose there is that.


Isn’t it now 200,000?

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No, of course i didnt.