UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

:joy: :joy: some would say i am an ā€˜articleā€™ and donā€™t require being written.

If I had been given a penny for every time Iā€™ve heard this.

And HIV never killed anyone.
I wonder what tipped the scales?

As with many such viruses etc. It preys on people with existing problems or finds weaknesses that other things exploit.

Unfortunately Our World In Data figures are all over the shop.

Spain, for example, much higher excess deaths. I wonder if theyā€™ve even corrected their testing numbers yet?!

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I remember when you saw pensioners out and about shopping that you wanted them all dead.

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No, I didnā€™t. I said the boomers were a selfish generation, and weā€™d be better off as a society when they are gone.

That isnā€™t the same as actively wishing them a premature death.

But you know that already.

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You wished theyā€™d all just fuck off already. :thinking:

Not quite my exact words, and obviously totally devoid of context, but I apologised and clarified my meaning. And in the context of a time in which I was making sacrifices left, right and centre, my kids werenā€™t allowed to see their friends or go to school, and I was having to work evenings so I could look after my children - all ostensibly to protect our most vulnerable people - I think Iā€™m entitled to a moment of rage when I was seeing those same vulnerable people out and about every single day not giving a shit.

I also think Iā€™m entitled to comment on the current government without having something I said in a fit of stress and rage three years ago misquoted back at me with the sole intent to embarrass me, by someone who has been historically been given extraordinary leeway with their own shitposting down the years.


Care to expand on that?

Sure. Hands up if youā€™ve ever been banned

Would you like to expand on the thought process that sees a post on their discussion community, and thinks ā€˜I know. Iā€™ll try and embarrass this guy by misquoting something he said three years ago in a really stressful situation. That would be a really cool thing to doā€™

What kind of person would do that? Any thoughts?

Just 23 days till the season starts ladsā€¦.23 days. No need to be having a pop at one another.

No point going over old ground


People sometimes make bad decisions in stressful situations. I agree.

As for being bannedā€¦I donā€™t think you want to go there.

Quite. Letā€™s leave it there @Kopstar

Levity requiredā€¦

Does anyone here like corn-on-the-cob?

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What do you mean?

I like that they do explain their methodology quite clearly: Excess mortality during the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) - Our World in Data

Any remaining questions will probably be down to how often they update their data, how the data is updated, and where they obtain their data.


He is fucking great. I love him to bits.

Oh No Fire GIF

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I hope you remembered my margherita with extra spicy salami!!!

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I was going to point out some of the potential flaws in OWiD as it didnā€™t take into account demographics but these graphs do demonstrate quite dramatically the differences in approach between the Germany and the UK (picked purely as it is where I am and where Iā€™m from) particularly in relation to the oldest part of the population where mortality is the highest:

What none of these things seem to take into account is the economic and social impact of long-Covid. That seems to be the elephant in the room and one that very few people seem to be addressing. Whilst the death of an elderly relative is sad it doesnā€™t have anything like the impact on society of economically active people taken out from the workforce.

Anyway, that is a bit of an aside. Back to your mudslinging.

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