UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

A good post and what I like about it is that it’s your opinion and is put across in a relatable way. I agree with many of your points, the UK government (and they are not the only countries government) who have lost the confidence of their people.

All I have asked for, is that people be realistic in their assessments. This is not aimed at you but making a defence for Starmer and/or an other party on the fact they wouldn’t have read a certain column, in a certain paper and therefore handled the situation better is weak. At least give some reasoning as to why you believe they would have handled the situation better.
I can empathise with people and their frustrations about integrity/morales, etc, of the Government. To refer to your football analogy, if you support a team, although they maybe rubbish, if they give everything you are more likely to accept it.

To summarise, i have my own frustrations with the current government and can understand that I am not the only one. However, I do not believe any other Party would have done a significantly better job - in that they may have made better decisions regarding certain issues but also worse decisions in relation to others.

I do not recall you providing any evidence, if you have, I have obviously missed it not deemed it as evidence. :rofl:.
I think what is important here and where we agree is that all of us want a Government that manages the country in a way we can all relate to.
Boris, in my opinion was not the worst Prime minister in terms of his political decisions, but in terms of his actions in a difficult time, a time where many people were suffering he didn’t provide leadership.
On a slight tangent - I do not need to defend or explain where my vote lies. I have voted for 3/4 different parties throughout my adult years, rightly or wrongly - I feel that, irrespective of the turmoil/in fighting within the Conservative party, Labour do not have a leader/mandate capable of winning a general election.
Like when the great fraud Cameron beat Miliband, they will win on the basis that Labour do not have anything ground breaking to change the publics opinion. In fact I believe Labour have got it wrong by over attacking Boris, the longer he stayed in power the better their prospects. Anyhow, thats just my thoughts :+1:t2:

Speak for yourself.

To be honest maybe I am :rofl:.
My GF and I went out for food the other night in a reputable restaurant and she ordered a Steak MR. When it was presented it was medium plus. So, being very British, I spoke to the waitress and asked her to tell the Chef that the Steak wasn’t cooked to how we ordered. But, to emphasise that I didn’t mean any offence but merely feedback, disguising
it as not wanting other customers to complain.
The waitress returned to express the chef’s apologies and as a gesture of goodwill would cover our drinks. Yes, as luck goes, I was designated driver for the evening :man_facepalming:t3::rofl:.

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There it is. NHS trashed to smithereens where it now impacts the economy.

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It’s difficult to say whether that is due to the NHS decay or other reasons. It would be interesting to see a comparison between Scotland, England, Wales and NI as they have different NHS organisations.

It would also be worth seeing those figures split by age group as I suspect there are a lot of people in their late 50s and early 60s who will have just plumped for early retirement.

The one nagging fear is that a chunk of those unable to work are those with long Covid. If that is the case it’s a big drain as they will be economically inactive and have a large requirement for health and care services. That’s not just the NHS but things like additional childcare, domestic cleaners and carers to replace unpaid carers who are struck down.

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Long covid and early retirement unlikely to be specific to the UK, don’t you think?

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True but I think I’m right in saying that the UK had higher case numbers for longer than others.

Perhaps that’s been accounted for?

I think the key thing for me is that numbers are continuing to rise. So whatever the driver is it is still impacting the workforce.

Some data to support that hypothesis


The ‘pork’ smile has to be her campaign photo. Go on Liz, own it.

I disagree

For the 0.0001% of the population that they represent they have been fucking brilliant.


I do not really care who becomes the next P.M. I feel either of them is well capable of leading the nation even deeper into the mire . The only question is which road to take. It breaks my heart to see the nation in such a mess and in the hands of Tax dodgers, liars and downright crooks, all just set on satisfying their own ego and wealth.


His best yet I think.

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Maybe just me but I don’t find this guy funny at all

This guy, on the other hand :joy::joy::ok_hand:


Sadly that clip left out his best line.

“It is like we’re tunnelling out of R. Kelly’s house, only to end up in Prince Andrew’s basement!” :rofl:


And this one. He was in some form last night :fire:


I want it to be Truss. She could bury the Tories for years.

While taking the whole country down in the process