UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

They were supposed to be selling a stake. However, there will be some loss of capital gains in there. Clearly this was shorted against someone.

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I understand how it works. As @RedWhippet refers to, I’m not sure if there are any plans to offload stakes, or how long the impact on the share price will last, or whether there are further knock-on effects with regards to the general industry.

I’m interested in where Farage gets his money from. I know he was sponsored by Aaron Banks (appropriately named?) but that’s only part of it I think.

Well he apparently received about 2m from the European Parliament while a MEP.

Isn’t he the leading supporter of Brexit???

It was kind of an inside job. You know, like Hendo with the Saudis now.
( :wink: )

See my video above for all you need to know

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And he was never there. Leader on the UK’s fishing interests and attended 1 meeting in his time with EU fishing counterparts.

Then successfully convinced everyone he was an expert on all things fishing with the EU.

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Just had to share this.

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Shocking, I hope he gave the young rascal a good spanking and forced him to drink pigs blood! :grin:

Just magical

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Blood on his hands.


If there’s one thing to say about Sunak, is that he knows which side his bread is buttered.

Just issued loads of oil and gas licenses too apparently.

Votes over climate.

Who the fuck approved of this investment?!

how the f… does that even happen?

Clue seems to be in the article.

“The Audit Commission - a spending watchdog that stopped councils taking too many risks - was abolished in 2015.”

Genius. Stupid red tape.


I get that but what kind of due diligence was done on this fraud!

There are public monies!

I think the answer is none. Some people seem to think the world owes them a living.

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