UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

that’s un-fucking-real. what conflict of interest?


Tory infighting? Barely news these days.

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She hanging in as long as possible, so that her two young daughters who are each earning £50k plus per annum for being down as her helpers, can continue to draw their wages…
That is what I have heard anyway…


Nah mate, they aren’t young any more. They’ve been in the gig for at least 10 years. They are lifers.

And to think that a Labour minister doing this would get absolutely murdered by the public. But these are the Tories. Their shit is just tolerated.


Because the rightwing media would never let it rest.

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The fact Dorries has repeatedly talked down Nepotism while this is happening right under our noses - The Tories really have the concept of ‘Hide in plain sight’ absolutely nailed.

If a Tory shows public outrage on any issue, its best to assume they do the same.


What about the other 90% of the UK media including the temple to extreme far leftism which is the BBC?

You mean the same BBC that is run and governed by tory government appointments?

You mean that leftwing BBC?


Unhinged or stopped taking your meds?


The Guardian and the Mirror ?


Sums up a lot of what is wrong with politics, especially with regards to Labour under Starmer:

The only reason I will be hoping for a Labour win at the next GE is because they are not the Conservatives.


My sentiment exactly, just the other way round.

The difference being that Labour haven’t fucked up the country for the last 13 years.


Are you high? Labour have been far more culpable than the government because they’ve been a shite and thoroughly incompetent opposition. They had Corbyn running the place FFS.

Straight out of the Boris excuse lexicon that one :slight_smile: Everybody else’s fault.

Sorry, listening to James O’Brian, should call him not wind you up.

Truly they have lost the pot at this stage.

After the energy “crisis” and he cost of living crisis etc, do they honestly believe normal people are living in luxury?

Country is fucked .


kin 'ell … it’s back to Norman Tebbit’s (in)famous ‘on yer bike’ nonsense now.


And it’s all down to Labour’s ineffective opposition.


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The article doesn’t quote him as saying that so it appears to be a rather liberal summary of what he did say by the Daily Mail.

Someone needs to take one of these bastards on the street and beat seven shares of shite out of them. Then they’ll realise how the country is REALLY feeling about them

Surprised they never actually said , over 50’s should get another job delivering food to those who are unemployed but can manage to order take out each night.:grimacing:

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