UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Bloody hell that’s an ordeal. Mrs has ovarian cysts, no fun :frowning:

Single mothers and some others,
Teachers, shirkers, social workers,
Trans-genders, young-offenders,
Restaurants selling vegan burgers,
Small boats, rigging votes,
Poor people eat more oats,
Lefty judges holding grudges,
Benefit claimant on prepayment,
Lefty-folk, always woke, picking on a racist bloke,
We didn’t start the fire…


I wonder if Junior doctors can afford to go out for dinner once a year?

Sympathies and I hope she will be ok but sounds systemic of a broken system to me.

Imo that’s not the fault of individuals on the front line.


Let’s dress it up so that incompetent GP’s, lazy ward staff with bad attitudes and under qualified power crazy receptionists don’t exist.

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I would ask why are they so widespread? Why are they under trained, why do they appear power hungry?

I don’t deny there are issues with public sector work(ers) but there’s reasons for it that are not really at their feet. People don’t go to work to be lazy or angry assholes. The system, management, etc. create that.

That includes being overworked, under trained, under paid, abused etc. which a lot of NHS staff have to deal with. I concede there’s also the other extreme.


Mad Nads fucks off whilst impaling the PM with a stiletto heel.


So nobody is fundamentally a lazy angry asshole?

Serious Cary Elwes GIF

Cruelty and abuse is the point of this government I guess.

You’ve misunderstood my point once more, yet again, we’ve been here before, etc etc.

If you have a system/ environment that creates that kind of behaviour you’ll get people go that way. So if you give someone naff all to do, many will do just that, many will get pissed off and leave. Similarly, if you under resource, under train, allow them to be abused, over work, under pay people then don’t expect to get 100% from them either. They may exhibit other behaviours such as anger, lashing out, retaliation and so on.

Happy to discuss how and why this may look different between public and private sector.

Any pretence the government has towards protecting the environment must surely lie in tatters now…

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The problem is that cleaning up environment damage down the line is far more expensive. However, those causing the problem are safe in the knowledge that someone else will pick up the bill.


Yes, this is a great problem with environmental policy, the necessary action has to be long term and international, while most politics is short term and domestic.


Sounds like a sexual fantasy I had once…

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Mr Din said he and his wife were now having to share a car thanks to Ulez, which was making it difficult to take their two children, aged 12 and 14, to see their friends and to do their sports and hobbies.

“At the moment I’m just driving my wife’s car. We have to do everything together now and we’re a lot less independent,” he said.

From the Telegraph, of course.

Sounds like Mrs Din is a right drag…

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Will always be a problem when the majority of the population are happy to point fingers, but not lift a finger in making the effort.


I can only respond to what you post. You said that the system / management creates laziness and or angry arseholes. Utter nonsense.

Yeah there are naturally occurring assholes out there. :thinking:

I had typed more base on my own experience of working with and within both the public and private sectors but I’ll just leave it being honest.

Wasted effort and I’ve got a ball joint on my van to change.

Usually with shit parents. Only occurred to me later in life that the kids with the cool parents who let them stay out late. goto parties, ruff it on the park and smoke were the ones who ended up selling drugs, being in prison and being dead.

You actually believe that people are only lazy or assholes because of work? I just don’t believe you.

But I’ve done ball joints and you have my sympathy. Big hammer……