UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Tired Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

And the @Klopptimist Cycle continues.

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As always, Iā€™m open to the alternativesā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

Twitter? Facebook? Tiktok? Peer pressure? The bastard tory party? Brexit? Wokeness?

Democracy doesnā€™t apply to everyone in the UK, sadly.


At last! And @Mascot not even here to witness it

The Tories are unlikely to do anything about this.
Labour need to strongly campaign for voter registration.


TBH, voter registration is a completely redundant process. The government already holds all the information about who can vote and where they live separately.

The registration process just disenfanchises people. The electoral boundaries are used for gerrymandering.

Also, they had said that they would extend the eligibility of overseas voters beyond 15 years but after Brexit they have realised that this mostly consists of people who are absolutely furious with the Tory Party.

Radio 4 now, program all about Spitting Image. Once itā€™s on iPlayer Iā€™ll link it. Very good.

For those under 30, Radio 4 is the audio track from the program your grandad listens to.

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Ok, Iā€™ll give a little. Thinking back Iā€™ve seen some right lazy wankers in my time. Private sector too. Just doing enough and sailing under the radar while people half murdered themselves around them.

Conversely, Iā€™ve seen some real grafters busting a gut but progress on whatever theyā€™re working on gets properly stunted by the enormous number if hoops they have jump through or other factors such as procurement contracts just fucking things up royally. Like waiting for 10 weeks for stuff that you could go down the road and pick up yourself in any other walk of life.

This shit means thereā€™s a few that just happily play this game and to be honest thereā€™s fuck all else you can do. Shouting gets you nowhere so they twiddle their thumbs and gently as if itā€™s sorted yet. Itā€™s honestly frustrating, bit like that ball joint.

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Stopped listening to it after the Fergie rolled over on John Archer. Was going woke back then :wink: Moral Maze, ISIHGAC, News Quiz, Just a Minute all fabulous programs. Grew up with it, only had it on as Iā€™m using my dadā€™s car and itā€™s on automatically.

Smackheads / Shoplifters arenā€™t averse to using violence if they are accosted.

What direction are we going and why?

We as a society

I make no pretence of speaking on behalf of society.

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Iā€™ve had to step in more than once in town centre Asda. I wouldnā€™t waste the bullet, use an axe.

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Just us who think that those who shouldnā€™t be in society are removed. Queue accusations of this, that and the other. Godwinā€™s law for starters followed by eugenics.

A person is a stealing, burgling, murdering, raping piece of shit. Some of us would like to see a person like that taking a big step with a short rope.

But but but itā€™s the governmentā€™s fault. Odd my Grandma never resorted to theft even though she was desperately poor at times. Why? She knew better.

These days, I live in a detached house in Surrey worth seven figures. I have no mortgage and think nothing of spending Ā£500 on lunch- for one- in some of Londonā€™s finest restaurants.

There was a time when I was penniless, and would have been on the streets but for my sisterā€™s generosity. Not once did I think that I had to harm somebody else in order to improve my own lot in life.

I fully understand that people have problems and different coping mechanisms- I was an alcoholic for many years- but harming others is a conscious decision.


Iā€™m not asking you to.

I just wonder how our society got to the situation in which supermarket employees need to wear cameras for their safety.

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Thatā€™s easy: itā€™s because corporate profits have become more important than anything else, resulting in a situation where even those in full time employment rely upon government handouts to make ends meet.


show me the money GIF

It brings me pleasure.

Much as others like having children, buying expensive cars or travelling around the world.

Each to their own.