UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I particularly enjoyed this peach from Marina Hyde.

Much British political coverage has remained stubbornly fixed not on dead rabbits, but on vital matters such as the Covid inquiry, which is serving up daily confirmation of former comms chief Lee Cain’s assessment that Covid was “the wrong crisis” for Johnson’s “skillset”. (You wonder what “the right crisis” would have been? I somehow picture breathless aides summoning Johnson to Cobra and going: “Prime minister, someone who isn’t one of your wives urgently needs to get pregnant and left to bring up the child on her own.”)


Driving is inherently dangerous, but we do it - largely because we trust that Government and it’s agencies with keep the roads maintained, keep dangerous drivers of the road and enforce and maintain rules that promote safety.

Where was the Government’s leaving room for doubt in the eat out to help out fiasco? The message wasn’t Look. This is a risk, but we think it’s probably OK to go out for a meal now. But obviously judge it for yourselves. The message was that you would be doing the country an enormous favour if you would go out for a meal and don’t worry it’s all fine.

She claimed that she had a revelation that would harm Sunak. Turns out to be a toddler tantrum that he wouldn’t let her go full fascist. I suspect that will buy the PM some favour in the Shires.


The expectation is that The Tories will call an election between Oct 24 and Jan 25 which is the latest they can hold it.

We’ve probably seen interest rates peak, with cuts probably pencilled to start around October 24.

The challenge i suspect will be post election handling of tax rises/ spending cuts the government has already planned for - and whether the new government can avoid persevering with them.

Nah, will be dead easy. If blue win, they’ll blame the previous red government and if red win, they can literally afford to do little and blame Truss till 2030.

And yet people get hurt at work because they are not told what to do and how to behave safely. Its exactly the reason why H&S at work is so nuts. People can’t and won’t think about their own welfare.

People are hardwired into “it won’t happen to me”

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I could have sworn she’d ticked every box on the fascist bingo card.

My only doubt was whether Sunak was a closet fascist but it turns out that @Mascot is probably right and he’s not in charge.

Makes me wonder why Cameron’s back though. He was also a bit of a puppet to that group.


No, people get hurt at work because they ignore the utter nonsense that H&S has become.

Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce

There’s two types of people. Those who hide behind high vis, paperwork and procedure and accomplish 20% of what they can in a day and people like me who rush in, get it all sorted, bleed and occasionally have to visit A&E. I know which is more productive. Was caught in a quite entertaining human mousetrap last week which in fairness nearly ended me. Didn’t, I’m fine and the job got done.

Let me get this straight.

People get hurt because they decided that the training and briefing on the work they were doing was garbage and they decided to do something else.

Thanks for confirming my point exactly.

Admit it, you put on a hard hat to take the lid off your pen.

Having worked in the construction industry for nearly 30 years on sites and or with companies which have had people killed or had life changing injuries that post is appalling.

One such guy, clever guy, not in any way a nut job but just wanted to get things done thought that dropping a tape measure over the edge of a bridge to get a measurement was a great idea until he found out the hard way the bridge he was stood on spanned an overhead electrified railway.

He never went home.


The cost of workplace accidents in the UK is around £18.8 billion.

Statistics - Costs to Britain of workplace injuries and new cases of work-related ill health.

The number of accidents since the 1970s is around 80% lower. H&S might be a bit of a bind but it’s remarkably good value for money.


Don’t be stupid.

Just as a heads up, being questioned by the HSE is proper scary shit. No one goes to work to hurt someone else but those people come down on you like a ton of bricks if they see anything untoward.

They can and will question you under caution and no work place is off limits to them. They also have the scariest piece of UK legislation behind them.


And equally I can tell you of a factory in Gateshead that requires everybody in the “high risk” area to wear overalls, boots, glasses, high vis and hard hat. I was setting up a computer. I had to go through the Monday morning HS 3 hour induction (only run on monday mornings) and dress like a spaceman to setup a computer in an office.

Look, seriously, in your industry no question HS is critical. But you can’t argue that it’s just infested and retarded so many industries and jobs that don’t require it.

Does a postman need HS training?

Sorry for the guy with the tape measure but that’s not a question of HS training. That’s common sense.

Anyway, this is the (what passes for) UK politics thread.

My brother is a postman and has ended up in A&E on more than one occasion, mainly due to dogs.

However, you are talking about people who are constantly lifting, dealing with automated machinery and working in high risk environments.

Yes, postmen need proper HS training.


Yes. They drive, so need training to pass a test that allows them to drive safely.

Regarding the railway incident, it wasn’t a question of training but one of not following procedure. No one knew he was there, no one knew what he was doing. Actually no one for sure knows what actually happened but on that day he left the office, went to that bridge and killed himself by just doing what he thought was ok to do.

Talking about cost, it’s immeasurable imo.
Do I dislike the process. I’m less bothered by it now. I’ve seen too much, not to cover my own ass to be brutally honest.


Kicking myself for getting involved in here.
I’m arguing against a mindset that looks for 100 outside influences as to why the paedo raped the child, before conceding he was just a pure evil cunt that needs castrating.

And now the fucking HSE monster has raised its head, I’m off to the jokes thread.

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