UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Levelling up? What’s that?


Maybe, they are just raising the bar :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Not sure I’ve got the Google thing as sorted as you - tried to google ‘how delusional is dane’ but got a series of different answers - are you able to help find the correct one?


The beauty if that accident of birth is that you don’t have somebody at the top of the tree who craves power. The Thin Blue Line gun sketch is probably the best and most often linked video on here. The last person you give a gun to (read power) is somebody who wants it.

If you want to see an institution that drips in gold, is archaic and is run by those who want the power, there’s this big church in Rome……

The only way to test your theory is to take away their unearned wealth, privilege and power. I suspect we might find that they quite like it, and would prefer to hold on to it.

I’m not fervently anti Royal like some opinions I have seen over the years, but the whole thing does seem rather ridiculous.

It is a throwback to a bygone age and we should have evolved beyond this sort of thing by now.

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I believe it’s called soft-republicanism.

If you were creating a new country you wouldn’t have a monarchy. However, I do like the idea of a non-executive head of state. I get a bit perplexed by ardent anti-monarchists. Not so much the idea of replacing the monarchy but more that they look at the state of British political institutions and think that is the main problem.


As a foreigner, one can always count on England to provide that little bit of weird entertainment. :joy:

Don’t be such an arsehole.

The wretched in Royal Tunbridge Wells need the money just as much as anyone!

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

*Bootstraps not included.

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they send celebrities…

stick with your royals

Happy to help.
Alexa - How delusional is Dane?

ANSWER - Shows occasional signs, but at least he’s not a bell end like that RoJo character.

What a woman

Increase the inheritance tax further, but more importantly kill all the loopholes rich people are using to get around it otherwise inheritance tax just hurts middle income earners.

Impose a minimum 10-15 year prison sentence for proven fraud and corruption, for any elected government officials. Right now, people like Boris can come into government and say to themselves “I’m going to make my mates rich and expect a kick-back later on down the line. If it works I’m richer, and if I get caught, that’s a little bit of reputational damage but I can leave government and go on the speaker circuit to all the like-minded Tory voters and businesses”. Absolutely no repercussions. If we do anything related to increasing tax revenue I want to at least be used in government and not syphoned off to Tory cunt mates.

I can’t be bothered to add anything beyond this. UK is no longer my country, although the first point is a greater problem over here in Aus. Governments completely unwilling to do anything about the imbalance of wealth throughout inheritance due to it being a vote killer.

If I knew it was being implemented across the board and my children weren’t being hugely disadvantaged, I would absolutely accept a 100% inheritance tax with every baby being born starting at zero, and all wealth being distributed to the basic services. Could never happen but that would be ideal in my mind. Yep, socialist.


Sorry to quote my own post but to ensure I get in before @cynicaloldgit, it really is that humans are selfish, horrible cunts. Nature’s mutant animal.

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It may not be the main problem, but it is an important issue nevertheless. Not every criticism of the system has to be of the main problem. That would be absurd.

It is a problem because it represents something fundamentally wrong with British society, which is the class system, the entrenched machinery of privilege and power, which still permeates every nook and cranny of British society. The Royal family are the tip of that iceberg, but they are the visible embodiment of it. If Britain were truly a democracy, every one of it’s citizens would be born with equal rights and entitlements. Of course some are born into richer families or with better skills, but nobody should be excluded from society or have less worth than their fellow citizens. Monarchy and Aristocracy are incompatible with true democracy because they imply inherited superiority.
That’s why it’s important. It goes right to the heart of who we are as a nation, how we see ourselves and how we are seen by others. It means that the United KINGDOM is built on hypocrisy and lies.
That seems pretty important to me.


I don’t know much about the royal family but I am sure they are Dracula because they are against garlic in meals (other than being blood suckers)?

Pertinent to current news …


Just give em back already FFS.

Rishi running scared from the Greek PM is somewhat pathetic. Too scared to look the man in the eye and say “no you’re not getting your country’s shit back”

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Fucking love this.

One clown clowning another clown.

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