He is quite incredible. The least he could have done was nothing other than just appear competent, and he has just chosen to run the other way instead…
I would agree with that. Some are naturally charasmatic, some are naturally ruthless and can smell an opportunity when it presents itself. Sunak doesn’t even appear to have any self awareness.
Especially when you realise it’s the spawn of yet another awful Aussie export* Crosby Texter; even the Australian electorate has grown tired of that phrase.
More specifically a refugee. In Australia the cunts with the boats policies were more than happy to allow hundreds of thousands of ‘student visas’ to come and reduce the requirements for business to innovate/grow productivity while simultaneously boosting the property industry.
Well, I suppose that’s what happens if you hound all the actual politicians out of the party and leave yourselves with just a choice of fascists or people who see politics as a finishing school for a lucrative career in finance.
He brushes his hair, wears a smart suit that nearly fits, and speaks in whole sentences. Believe it or not, that is an improvement on his immediate predecessors.
This entirely. There have always been Conservative politicians that I have had respect for even if I haven’t necessarily agreed with all their policies but are there any left? They are keeping quiet if they are.
Not sure how many but there are, but they lack the gravitas, and perhaps the leadership of the Clarkes and Heseltines. Some will be stepping down at the next election though.
I never thought these two would actually be in a room having a friendly, sensible conversation! But the content here is fascinating even if there’s nothing earth shattering in it. It does shed some light
I was actually discussing this with a guy I used to work with at the Scottish Office. We would occasionally get requests in for information that were known as ministerial questions or ministerial requests. These were not usually directly from ministers as they tended to be from other MPs, both government and opposition, but the protocol is that the request would come from the ministers office.
As a result you got a fair idea of who was in parliament because many of the questions would actually be from English MPs for which they required a full UK wide response.
Anyway, I mentioned Michael Fabricant to my former colleague as I genuinely thought he was a satirical parody of Boris Johnson. I was really surprised to find out that he had been an MP for 30 years. His response was that there are a lot of MPs that you never hear of simply because they are ineffectual or just plain lazy fuckers who never bother to follow up any work on behalf of their constituents.
It’s interesting that you mention Clarke and Heseltine because they are both ones that I came across. I was at a seminar that Heseltine gave on inward investment and his anecdotes about the Liverpool Garden Festival were quite interesting. I think he was basically right about urban regeneration but he didn’t really get his ideas over to the general public at the time.
The right wing in this country don’t want a pay rise for hard working british workers/families or benefit increases for all those homeless veterans currently trying to fight off hypothermia, but they will support a policy which gives hundreds of millions to an African govt for no return.
So apparently by next year the Rwanda scheme will have cost £290m , without a single soul having set foot in the country.
Try as I might , I am at a complete loss as to how this amount could possibly be arrived at. Can anybody on here have a stab at just how this figure might break down ?