UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

what for, exactly?

ahhh therein lies the context. must be quite a ā€œplaceā€.

Mobile communications. Itā€™s like that BTFon thing. It can only work on excess bandwidth.

weā€™re discussing home networks, right? not mobile

If youā€™re on a home network/wifi that is irrelevant, as wifi comes into play?

Excess bandwidth is for the network, not the customer. If it isnā€™t there then the consumer will notice when itā€™s in use.

think youā€™re having a different conversation than the home networks we are discussing. Or, I am.

How the fuck do you work that one out? :rofl:

Possibly. I was referring to the requirements for the network nationally rather than what individual homes require but they are fundamentally linked.

Bore off

Why does every thread end up being about Canadian infrastructure?

Of course he was an agent for GRU. Lock him in dungeon and throw the key in a volcano.

Canada is a very important country, being the 2nd largest country in the world and also the one who puts pineapple on pizzas.

Doesnt surprise me, if true, given state of government finances, likely need for urgent spending increases and current governmentā€™s eagerness to cut taxes further before election.

What does surprise me is that its Starmer himself who has been campaigning on this when others have been reluctant to do so, so iā€™m curious as to what has changed for him to agree to put it on the backburner now.

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Go to Australia and you can have a fried egg in the middle of your pizza as wellā€¦

The most important thing is how Starmer explains this decision.

If he had any sense, he would say it remains an important ambition to invest in green technologies, but due to the completely fucked up public finances Labour will be inheriting the plan will have to be delayed.


Wellā€¦in Singapore, we had Durian Pizzaā€¦

The economy is in turmoil and basic infrastructure is a complete shit show.

When Blair came to power the economy was basically sound. The Major government may have been full of bickering twats but Clarke had managed to put the economy on a sound footing.

If Starmer becomes PM he will be inheriting the biggest mess for an incoming Labour PM since Attlee. He has to prioritise where to spend and to spend wisely.

Looking at those proposals, there is a fair chunk that could be left to market forces. Spend the money on where the market fails and where it will have the biggest bang for your bucks. There is a lot that can be achieved with economic levers.

For green policies, thatā€™s going to be the boring stuff: improving housing stock for the poorest. Making sure that energy efficiency is a peak concern.

What Starmer should be doing is explaining his priorities and just reminding people that when Labour left power, everything worked: school buildings were being upgraded rather than falling down, you could get a GP appointment, inflation was under control, police had crime under control and there was an asylum system that actually functionedā€¦

Not all of those things were perfect but it is important to get the idea over that peopleā€™s lives can be better and not all politicians are the same.


Marmite in comingā€¦

Yes, but Iā€™d like some of that cash going towards sorting the shit, literally, in our rivers. That whole industry needs a major reset.

That could also be marketed as a green policy