UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

LOL I needed a good laugh, thanks.


Ehem. Straightens shirt

Now I would never want to cause envy in another human being of course, and particularly not in a subject as deadly serious as proper infrastructure; but perhaps a slight (very humble) brag.
My local little tunnel that I find I need to drive quite often. Also quite, quite relaxing to drive through in a buss, I find.

Now, I don’t know if you Canadians have such fine rural infrastructure (awkward but very humble and gentle smile), but here we do find it necessary really.

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I am done now (apologies).

Just wanted something to joke about, so why not infrastructure. It seems to be all the rage on the forum ! :upside_down_face:

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If he can provide evidence for his claim, he should be allowed to make it. If it’s unsubstantiated, he should be allowed to retract.


They did not “allow it” obviously, but it was a strategic and extremely cynical (and stupid) decision by Netanyahu, who ordered the IDF stationed around Gaza, to instead move into the West Bank and harass Palestinians there. He did this to please Bezalel Smotrich - Wikipedia, Itamar Ben-Gvir - Wikipedia aka fascist leaders of the actual fascist parties in his completely dysfunctional Ultra Hard Right coalition government. Because the Settler (both secular and religious loonies) parties wanted it and Smotrich and Ben-Gvir asked for it because they wanted to intimidate Palestinians in the West Bank. It’s hard pleasing Ultra Nationalist hallelujah settler parties, both religious and secular, I guess.

He only left a skeleton force as well as an intelligence unit mostly consisting of females that were not really trained as combatants (many hostages from this unit). He did this, cynically taking this risk, because he trusted Shin Bet assessment that Hamas didn’t want a large round of fighting, even though the intelligence unit above had warned the government as well as IDF command, that they were indeed preparing an attack more than once, since they had actually observed preparations.
Yahya Sinwar and his Al Qassam Brigades of religious fascists, exploited this and pull the trigger on the operation they had probably planned for around 2 years (according to my sources). Netanyahu is a dead man walking politically and this is also why getting a cease fire will be incredibly hard, since when the war ends, he is gone unless he manages to pull off a stunning victory.

And now it doesn’t look like a victory. Tactical victories are moot, if it is not a strategic victory. Abraham accords more than broken and accusations of genocide due to outrageous genocidal language from ill diciplined ministers (without the absurd hateful language from Israeli officials, ICC would likely not have taken the case, collateral civcas high for urban warfare, but not, yet, extremely high, relatively speaking with less than 30 k known dead, including Hamas fighters; so intent is key and intent is difficult to prove), this looks like a grand strategic defeat at current.

But I digress. And I have been trying to willfully staying away from commenting on this awful war for several reasons, but now I kind of barged into him, sigh.


Shit, just showed the wife and she says we’re moving to Norway. Thanks Magnus…

I was mostly just joking with Semy, but you are very welcome! :slight_smile:

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Me too :wink:. Do love Norweigan political policy and common sense and would love to visit and see it’s extraordinary physical beauty but can’t ever see myself leaving Oz permanently.

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Two hours of daylight if you’re lucky and hardly the world’s most inspiring cuisine.
No offence Maggie :wink:

No idea what you are talking about, hmpf.

(that was the saddest and most minimalistic picture I could find of a sheep head)

We have just one, under a river. Does that count :pleading_face:


It does :heart:

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Even though Id love for the government to bore a tunnel under the Strait of Juan de Fuca, due to the earthquake zone we are in I cannot see that happening.

Also, we have the Massey tunnel

Potatoes look good.

If your county’s name doesn’t begin with C, end in A with 2 additional A’s in the middle, then yes, it counts :rofl:

Liverpool has two ! :wink:


Only 2? What about…


Talking about tunnels…

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